Happy Valentine by Kessa

This Day

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha or the characters; that honour belongs solely to Rumiko Takahashi. 


He had never cared much for this particular day, and why would he? It pained his sensitive hearing to have to listen to the hopeful squeals (much more enthusiastic than usual), of girls wishing for romance, the shy (and some scandalously bold) confessions, and of course, receive the hundreds of packages of chocolate.

He didn't even like chocolate. 

If he had his way, he'd be at home (not hiding, he preferred to call it a strategic...avoidance), in the dojo with his father...or relaxing at one of his favourite meditation spots.

But no, his father had all but ordered him to attend school on this day. For what reason the elder inu had declined to explain.

Withholding a sigh of annoyance as he scented the approach of yet another female, he turned his body diagonal and glanced over her form in acknowledgement.

A red blush filled her face in an unbecoming way as she stood before him, her scent filled with nervous fear and hope.

"Yes?" He murmured, arching a brow. 

Shyly, she peeked up at him from beneath her lashes, before thrusting out her hands, which held a card gently. "T-this is for you, sempai."

An underclass mate? He looked over her again swiftly, unable to hold back the marginal frown that tilted down his lips, and brought a furrow to his brow.

"This Sesshomaru cannot accept your token," he finally replied, as neutrally as he could, not wanting to let the poor girl down harshly, as he had done with several other brazen females for their attempts to win his affections. 

She slumped, looking unsurprised and mildly hurt. "O-oh. Um, may I ask...is there someone you like?"

Blinking, he cocked his head. This was the first to ask such a question. 

"Why do you ask?" He inquired, showing none of his curiosity. 

She squirmed under his intense gaze, blush still in full force. "A lot of girls have been rejected by you...b-but it seems like your waiting for someone..." She trailed off, blanching as his brow shot up. "I-it's just a rumour going around! I didn't mean to offend!" Hastily she bowed deeply. 

"Hn." He looked away as the bell rang. "Go to class."

Nodding, she bowed once more. "Yes, Sesshomaru-sama."

He didn't bother to watch her go, already in motion to his own class. As he entered into the room, he ignored those within and took his seat. Brooding, he stared out the window to the outside world. 

Had he given himself away in some manner? While he would never admit it out loud, he knew that he was waiting for a certain female to approach him. As the date for this day had drawn closer, he had a sense of anticipation fill him. 

But...he knew she would not. She was the only female worthy of his attention, but she rarely looked his way, or spoke to him. 

"Ah, Higurashi-san!"

Tensing, gold eyes slid over casually as a male voice called out. 

The mentioned female looked up, her black hair sliding around her slender form as she shifted her weight in her chair and offered a polite smile.

"Hojo-san." She greeted. 

The brunette beamed at her. "I'm so glad to see your return, Higurashi-san. I hope your health is much better."

Her lips twitched, and she nodded. "Thank you."

"This is for you." He placed a basket on the desk before her. "Herbal remedies, tea, fruit, oh and since your a miko and your metabolism is much faster, I added some dried meat-it's supposed to be that of lower youkai." He finished brightly. 

Sesshomaru barely suppressed his huff of laughter as many in the class made noises of disgust. It was rare for even the higher power of youkai as himself to dine on lower youkai. For a human to eat it, it was unheard of!

"Kagome..." A female whispered softly, unheard by the other humans, but clearly by the youkai within the classroom. "You can't..."

"Hush," the blue eyed girl chastised before giving a faint smile to the eagerly waiting male. "Thank you, Hojo-san. That's very...considerate of you."

"Anytime," he smiled. "Ah, Higurashi..." A light blush came into his cheeks. "I was wondering-"

Sesshomaru's eyes narrowed, was the boy going to...?

Whatever he was going to say, he was interrupted as the teacher walked in later. 

"Hojo-san, I don't believe this is your class. Visit another time." The sharp eyed kitsune spoke briskly as he laid out his material for the days course. 

Flustered, the boy bowed and headed out, looking slightly disappointed. Sliding a glance to the petite raven haired miko, Sesshomaru caught a glimpse of relief before it disappeared. 

Had she known what the foolish boy was going to say?

Deciding to dismiss it for the time being, he gave one last glance to the female as she placed the basket on the floor next to her desk and gave his attention to the teacher for the days lesson. 


The day had ended, finally. Pausing outside, he tipped his head back while patiently waiting for his younger brother. Leaning against his car, he closed his eyes, simply breathing in as the breeze flowed past, fluttering his clothes and bound hair. 


Golden eyes snapped open. For a long moment, he stared in disbelief before he remembered himself. "Higurashi-san."

Her pink lips curved sweetly as she stood before him. "I apologize if I startled you," she began. "I meant to talk to you earlier, but I was sidetracked." A rueful expression touched her bright gem coloured gaze.

Unbidden, his heart leapt to a fast pace at her words. Suddenly tongue-tied, he could only wait in silence at what she had to say. 

"I know you had a lot of girls confess to you today," she said, amusement lingering in her eyes and coating her gentle words. "Undoubtedly that must have irritated you. Oh, I'm not-confessing that is," she laughed softly at the widening of his eyes. "I believe in getting to know the male before doing something so serious as that."

She waved her dainty hand in dismissal, and brushed back a thick strand of her long dark hair. "I'm getting off track...here." Digging in her satchel, she brought out a package and handed it to him. 

Gingerly, he took it from her, trying to ignore the jolt of sensations from the small brush of her hand against his. Inhaling, he gave her a curious glance. 

She smiled and shrugged. "I thought this would be more appropriate for you...instead of chocolate."

Slowly, he nodded. "Thank you."


Both looked back towards the school, where several girls stood waiting, some waving. Lifting her arm in acknowledgement, Kagome gave a parting smile to the inuyoukai. "Happy Valentines Day, Taisho-sama. See you tomorrow."

A bit bewildered, he nodded automatically. "And to you." He muttered, watching as she rejoined her friends. As they went out of sight, he returned his gaze back to the package and contemplated it thoughtfully.

Unsure of what to garner from her actions, the inu used a claw and sliced open the plastic. Withdrawing the treat, he popped a portion into his mouth and his eyes fell to half mast in pleasure of the taste.

She was right, the dried pieces of lesser youkai suited him far better than chocolate.

Perhaps this day wasn't so terrible after all, if it was her gifting him.


Yay me for gettin this posted!  A bit late, but better than not at all. Please excuse any mistakes, I did this off of my iPhone. Sure makes things interesting!  Please tell me what you think, keep as a one shot or continue?  
