An Unconventional Courting by Stella Mira

Hug Me

Katt's Weekly Prompts: Hug Me

Word Count: 100

"Could you repeat that? We need to…" Kagome prompted the daiyoukai to finish her half sentence in case she had misheard his outrageous words earlier.

"Show sufficient proof of intimate relations. Our scents must be interlaced when we next leave this chamber, miko," Sesshoumaru repeated his previous statement tonelessly with his signature brow raised at the woman's incredulous expression.

"And, in order for that to happen, we have to hug and cuddle and rub against each other?" the miko asked warily with a slight frown in her confused features.

"Partly," the inuyoukai replied cryptically, displeasure shimmering in his amber gaze.