An Unconventional Courting by Stella Mira


Smittee's Alphabet Challenge: Ignescent – Capable of emitting sparks; of a volatile mood.

Word Count: 100

"You wish to mark me?" His utterance was slow, erasing all other sounds but the beguiling cadence of his voice and the steady pulse of his heart beneath her palms. Potent heat spilled forth from the merest touch, igniting the underlying want.

"Burn me," he commanded in a guttural growl, melting her with the burning intensity of his gaze.

"What –" Kagome whispered, breath struggling in her lungs and heart beating in erratic patterns.

"Carve your mark into my skin," Sesshōmaru urged her, wild yōki scorching her fingertips, luring her reiki for an instinctive response.

"This is madness – I can't."