An Unconventional Courting by Stella Mira

Can't Handle the Humor?

Katt's Weekly Prompts: Torrent

Word Count: 100

"Enough!" Sesshoumaru released an impressive growl, effectively dispersing all thoughts of further jesting from Kagome's mind.

"You still can't handle a little sexual humor, can you?" she laughed in his face, unable to suppress the torrent of laughter she had been holding in anymore.

"Why did you flare your reiki in search of assistance, woman? Did someone attack you?" the daiyoukai asked with a tone of urgency. He needed to leave her chambers before she made a complete fool out of himself or he would end up being the one to attack her for her impudence.

"There was someone here."

A/N: I'm visiting my hometown for the Easter. I'll be back at the end of the week with more updates. :)