An Unconventional Courting by Stella Mira

Be Mine

Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha. All credit belongs to Takahashi, Rumiko-sensei.

Katt’s Weekly Prompts: Be Mine

Word Count: 100

“This Sesshoumaru wishes to court you, miko,” the daiyoukai revealed in a rich baritone, boring his liquid golden gaze into her surprised sapphire pools.

“You want to do WHAT!?” Kagome exclaimed with a bewildered expression, her mouth nearly gaping open in a comical manner.

“What the hell, asshole!?” Inuyasha hollered enraged, his face a mask of molten fury at the unexpected proposal.

“This one will not repeat himself. Your reply?” Sesshoumaru continued unperturbed by the shocked expressions and gasps from the people witnessing this display.

“I am flattered…but…no?” the miko laughed nervously, not quite understanding how exactly this had happened.