Risks, Rewards, and Consequences by DeathsSilentApproach

Winter Cherry: Deception

AN:  A prompt a day.  I want to try to do each different flower.  Wish me luck!


  Kagome didn't know how this situation had come about.  It made no sense!  How could they deny her the right to love another.  They all had the ones they loved and yet she was to be reviled for hers.  She just didn't understand.

  She never complained about Inuyasha abandoning them.  She never discoraged Sango from pursuing Miroku despite his letcherous ways.  Why was she the only one that couldn't love or be loved by the one she had fallen in love with. 

  She had never meant to decieve them.  She had only meant to try to gain an ally in the one known as Inuyasha's half brother.  She had origionally only meant to speak with him to bring him to seeing they would be useful in the fight against Naraku.

  Hopefully tomorrow would be a better day.  Hopefully they would take the night to consider allowing her to actually defend her actions.  If they didn't she didn't know what she was going to do.