A Rare Bloom by kaoruhana

A New Beginning

              Ivy grew on the mountain’s slopes transforming the nearly barren evergreen and snowy landscape.  Kagome took it in as she eyed the remnants of the battlefield.  Kagura and Kanna lay dead, Naraku having sucked their power before crushing their hearts.  Sango and Miroku stood off to the side nursing a wounded and weak Kohaku.  Kikyo had arrived at the battle and saved him before his untimely death.  She now was gone and Inuyasha silently regarded the ashes that were once part of her.  Sesshomaru eyed the scene in front of him where Naraku’s ashes lay before he let loose a pulse of youki. Finally, it was all over. 

                A short while later as Kagome began to tend to Sango and Miroku’s wounds she heard Koga growl. Wondering what it was about she noticed that Ah-Un had arrived with the children and Jaken and hoped that nothing Ah-Un had upset her comrade.  But to her surprise Ah-Un was protecting- it was protecting Rin from Koga? 

                “Rin,”  Sesshomaru began slowly, “You will do well to remember that Koga has changed remember.  And Ah-Un you should as well.”  Thoroughly chastised the dragon(s) sighed but let down its charges.  Shippo immediately launched himself at his surrogate mother. 

                “Shippo!”  Kagome half scolded half exclaimed.  “Relax, sweetheart, I’m here aren’t I?”  Shippo sniffed and Kagome abandoned her task for a moment to care for her kit.  Something else was troubling Shippo.

                “What’s wrong?”  She asked slowly waiting for his response. 

                “I didn’t want to lose my parents again!”  The young kit sobbed causing Kagome to take a deep breath in trepidation.  Shippo saw Sesshomaru as a father?  Kagome looked over at the man in question.  They were going to have a long talk soon about this new development.

A/N: Prompt: Ivy

Inuyasha does not end in this manner- I know!  Forgive me!