The Mated Life by Kneazles


Disclaimer: As much as I wish otherwise, I do not own any of the characters. Inuyasha (and all of the lovely characters) is the creative mastermind of Rumiko Takahashi.

Challenge/Prompt:  Stella's Spicy Challenge, Cinnamon

Word Count: 100 

The sound of a bottle opening and a splash of fluid teased Kagome’s ears. She pushed the sounds aside, concentrating on the words of her book. However when the scent of cinnamon reached her nose, Kagome grew warm.

Living with a dog demon certainly improved one’s reliance on scents. Early on in the mating, due to the combination of a poor sense of smell and lack of reliance on it, she’d missed some of subtle signals from her mate.

She put the book aside as Sesshomaru swept her hair aside and began to sensually massage her neck with oiled hands.