The Ten Spices by InuLuna of The Moon

Ch. 3 First Dish

Prompt: Saffron


Ch. 3 First Dish

Sesshoumaru expertly moved around the kitchen. Grabbing a pan there and opening his spice rack. Gathering all he needed to make what he picked. It was dinner time anyway. Kagome sat on the small island behind him. Watching with apt attention. As a red wine bottle was taken out of a hidden compartment, she raised a brow at him. “Whatcha making?”

“You‘ll have to wait.” He tapped on the radio on the window sill.

She sulked. Resting her head on her forearms on the medium sized island behind him. Itching to go to his side and help. Her mouth almost watering at the smells filling the room half an hour later. Letting her mind wonder, her attention was brought back at a slight movement out of the corner of her eyes. A plate being presented to her. Looking back at him, then the plate. A wide smile covering her face. “Is this what I think it is?”

“An Italian risotto. Grilled pork chops in basil and garlic. With a green bean salad as a side.”

Letting out a small squeal of delight she grabbed the spoon that he handed her. Wanting to taste the rice first. It was different then normal. Knowing from experience that Saffron was used. Making it have a yellow color. She was reminded of her mother’s favorite recipe.