Solaris by Aviel

Gossamer Monster

Disclaimer: Though it saddens me to say it, I don’t own anything relating to Takahashi-sensei’s Inuyasha. However, the plot and/or ideas of this drabble series do belong to me, and a nod of recognition goes to the creator of this challenge.

A/N: None. :) Update 1 of 5.

Chapter 166: Gossamer Monster

I’m actually not surprised that there’s a trapdoor here. Especially with all of the weird stuff that’s been happening lately. I just hope there aren’t any centipedes… Things with a lot of legs really creep me out.”

Sesshoumaru chuckled in amusement at Kagome’s attitude toward their current predicament. Her rambling was almost…endearing.

It made the experience of being surrounded by dirt walls less miserable than it truly was. And this wasn’t only his claustrophobia talking; he genuinely liked the woman.

He didn’t even mind when she shuffled closer, reaching for his hand as a cold draft swept over them.


Original Posting Date: December 31, 2013

Prompt: For Stella’s Word Prompt Game, Gelid

Week: 3

Words: 100