Moments of Love by Selena


Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha. It belongs to someone else.

Word Count: 100

Prompt: KYN’s Weekly Word Prompt; shimmer


"That must be my friend..." Kagome said nervously.

Toga's eyebrows shot up and disappeared into his bangs. "How could a miko like you befriend a youkai?”

“I know that not all of you are bad…” she whispered, looking straight in his baffled golden eyes.

“How come this youkai did not kill a miko like you?” He asked, curious.

“I helped Shippou. I saved his life. So...” She trailed off, smiling fondly.

He tipped his head to side, assessing her skeptically. “If I become your friend, would you also lend me your help?” he asked seriously. His eyes shimmering with hope.


AN: Review? please?