The Prince and the Bodyguard by Siha_Okami

The Bodyguard

(I don’t own anything not even the song lyrics they belong to Tavington from deviant Legend of Zelda series belongs to its rightful developers and team along with Inuyasha the only thin that is mine is the idea, this was actually supposed to be a One Piece crossover but I just thought I would feed my few fans LOL)

     Its late about 1:30am in the small Kingdom of Hyrule, the Head of the guard stood at her window and breathed the air of her homeland. It had just rained and the ground had not yet soaked up all of the life giving rain. The smell was so refreshing it was a peaceful moment. Her black hair glistened in the full moonlight. This would be a good night to die, though she had no reason to. The moonlight shown more of the castle grounds then normal the flower beds behind the gate looked breath taking as always and the alabaster walls of the castles walls where polished and shown brilliantly. The quiet was disturbed by the sound of  little footsteps, hearing them before she saw the cause she drew the small knife she carried in her boot. Then a small Hime-sama poked her head around the corner of her doorway.  
    “Kagome-san I cant sleep” Zelda-sama walked in rubbing her eyes, quickly Kagome stowed the knife back in her boot before the young lady of court could see it. She truly hated violence and hated it when her bodyguard had to fight to save her. So for the sake of her lady she tried to keep the violence to a minimum.
    “Yes my lady, come and join me here” she said her arms out stretched for her to come and sit on her lap. The young princess walked over to her beloved guardian and hopped on the her lap.
    “Now what could ever be keeping my lady from her cutie sleep?” she asked leaning back in her chair and slowly began to stroke her hair.
    “The storm woke me and now I cant find my dolly” she said a sleepy daze stared to cover the Princesses eyes.
    “Oh my that mean storm woke my dear lady” she cooed to the princess. The prince was listening at the door  unseen by the guard his silver hair wrapped up in a loose bun.
    “Now my lady should I sing to you will that help you fall asleep ?” Kagome-san asked. Zelda could only smile because Kagome always knew what to sing her.

(If you know the tune of Zelda’s Lullaby your cookie in the mail :D)

Baby, don't you cry
Dry your tears and wave them goodbye

Baby, don't you cry
She will guide your way

Din's Fire burning bright
See how it lights the night
Praise to the Goddess in the sky!

Darling, don't you cry
Dry your tears and wave them goodbye

Darling, don't you cry
Dream of Heaven's song

Trees blowing in the breeze
See Farore fly with ease
Praise to the Goddess in the sky!

Zelda, don't you cry
Dry your tears and wave them goodbye

Zelda, don't you cry
Look up to the stars

When you need love and care
Call Nayru, she'll be there
Praise to the Goddess in the sky!"

The tiny Princess was fast asleep in her arms by the time her song was over. Kagome smiled and continued to rock the child in her lap, then Prince Sesshomaru leaned in and cleared his throat.
    “Good evening Sesshomaru-sama how can I be of service ?” she asked him. Even though she held his precious baby sister she was willing to help him, why did a human care about them so much. They would have had a Youkia bodyguard  but Zelda wanted no one else but Kagome. She had been with them for 6 months now and he had to admit she was astounding. Zelda could not stand to see people hurt each other just like their mother. Kagome had been walking 5 paces behind Zelda has the King ordered, one day while she shopped and a man with a knife and come between them. Kagome moved quickly and swept the man into an ally way and knocked him out and summoned guards to take him away before Zelda had even noticed, to this Sesshomaru that was indeed impressive.
    They walked silently back to Zelda’s bed chamber to put her back to bed, once she was tucked in Kagome got on her hands and knee’s to look under her bed Sesshomaru couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow o this. Kagome reach under her bed and pulled out Lillian his sisters dearest doll the one their mother had made them before her passing. She tucked Lillian under Zelda’s arm and she slowly moved away, Sesshomaru followed this girl closely.
    “You would get on your hands and knee’s for a child” he stated plainly Kagome only smiled.
“I would do whatever my lady asked of me” Kagome said with a confident tone.  
“Why do you care for her so much ?” he asked after what seemed like an endless silence. Kagome smiled again, he thought she looked her best when she smiled she was the person he wanted to make smile. “Because I love her, its my duty to protect her, but my heart tells me to love her and I do.” she said has she looked out the moonlight stained glass window. Sesshomaru looked at this women, a women who had no cause to give a damn about them but she did out of her own love. Sesshomaru spun her around to face him the future King of Hyrule and kissed her. There in the silence of the throne room a price was kissing his sisters bodyguard the women he wanted to stay by his side,
