To Break A Curse by TheFallenAngel


Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha!

Challenge: Sunset Miko’s Once a Week Challenge 2014

Prompt Number: Week 27

Prompt: Gradual

Word Count: 269




Sesshomaru as well as everyone else could feel the gradual build up of power coming from the two females. Sesshomaru decided to step in he knelt down and inspected Rin and Shippo for injuries. He found a small cut on Rin’s leg. Sesshomaru stood scooping Rin up as he did and turned to the others.

He spotted the one he was looking for, “Ayumi, Yuka, and Eri escort Rin and Shippo to the hospital wing.”

The three maids bowed quickly and gathered the children then left Sango and Kagura following. Sesshomaru turned back to the two females and sighed.

Sesshomaru approached Kagome and put an arm around her waist. “What seems to be the problem here?”

Kagome did not look away from Emi, “She pushed Rin because she was in her way.”

Sesshomaru looked to Emi and growled, “You dare to harm This Sesshomaru’s pup!”

Emi took a step back eyes wide with fear, “Forgive me Prince Sesshomaru I did not know!”

Sesshomaru glared at her, “Not only did you harm my pup but you insulted the future Lady of the West.”

Emi’s face paled she had seen the female enter with Sesshomaru but she did not know that she was his intended.

Emi bowed low, “Please forgive my cruel actions and words.”

Kagome looked back to Sesshomaru a soft smile gracing her face.

Sesshomaru smirked, “You are not to come near this one’s pups or intended. Is that understood?”

Emi nodded her understanding without looking at them.

Inuyasha piped up, “That goes for my intended as well!”

With that said Inuyasha and Sesshomaru lead Kagome and Kikyo away.