The Checklist by sesshomarusama33

Strength? Check.

“Great job, Kagome! You’re getting a lot better with your bow!” Sango complimented, admiring the priestess’ almost perfect aim as they walked together to collect their practice arrows.

“Hear that, Inuyasha?” Kagome grinned, collecting the arrows that had made it through her practice dummy. Inuyasha, who was sitting in a tree above the group, huffed, turning his head away from the group.

“Feh! You didn’t even make the bulls eye!” He argued, sticking his nose in the air.

“Inuyasha! You jerk!” Kagome yelled, clenching her fists together as she glared at the half-demon.

“That’s not true, Inuyasha! Kagome has gotten much stronger since I’ve known her! I bet she could even take you in a fight!” Shippo cheered, defending the young priestess.

Inuyasha jumped down from his place in the tree, walking towards the kitsune with a malicious grin.

“Oh, so you think that Kagome could beat me, do ya?” He grinned, picking up the kitsune by his furry orange tail. Shippo cried as he was lifted into the air and waved his arms to Kagome, who was glaring at Inuyasha.

“Waah! Kagome, tell Inubaka to put me down!” Shippou wailed, crying as he tried to free himself from the half-demon’s grasp.

“Inuyasha, let go of him already!” Kagome argued, running over to the two and grabbing one of Inuyasha’s ears and yanking it.

“Ow! Let go of me!” Inuyasha yelled, trying to fight off the girl who had latched herself onto his back.

Sango and Miroku watched with horror as Kagome tried to rip the half-demon’s ears off, while Inuyasha tried to rip off the kitsune’s tail.

“Lady Kagome! While I know you are frustrated, ripping out Inuyasha’s ears will not help this situation. Why don’t we all just calm down a bit, hm?” Miroku tried to reason, walking towards the trio.

“Hn. Too weak to shake the human girl, Inuyasha?” Sesshomaru cut in, approaching the group while Rin and Jaken, who was leading Ah-Un, followed from behind.

“Sesshomaru!” Inuyasha growled, dropping the kitsune as he reached towards his belt, grabbing the hilt of Tetsuiga.

“Wah!” Shippo cried as he hit the hard ground. Kagome pulled Inuyasha’s ears harder before jumping off, running over to the little boy.

“Inuyasha, be more considerate!” Kagome scolded, holding the kitsune to her chest. Shippo was relieved to be out of Inuyasha’s hands and into Kagome’s, crawling up to snuggle her under her chin.

“Feh! The little brat should watch his mouth, then!” Inuyasha yelled, turning to face Kagome. He scowled, before turning away from them and looking back to his brother.

“What the hell do you want, Sesshomaru?” Inuyasha growled, never taking his hand off of the hilt of his sword.

“You shouldn’t worry about things that don’t concern you, Inuyasha.” Sesshomaru responded, walking past the half demon. He stopped a few inches in front of Kagome, who looked up to him in confusion.

“You need… me?” She asked, curious as to why someone like Sesshomaru would ever ask her for anything.

“Foolish human! Lord Sesshomaru doesn’t need anything from such a lowly human as you!” Jaken squawked, glaring to the priestess. She looked to him and narrowed her eyes, huffing silently.

“What do you want, Sesshomaru?” She asked, her grip on the little demon in her arms tightening.

“This Sesshomaru demands you tell him of details from your era.” He demanded, his golden eyes softening as he spoke.

“Hey, I’m not just some sort of prophet! I can’t just tell you about things from my time, and even if I did, you can’t just demand them from me! How rude of a guy can you be?”

“Uh, Kagome? Sesshomaru would easily kill you and without second thought! Even I know not to challenge him!” Shippo whispered, trying to convince Kagome not to provoke the demon.

“So? That doesn’t give the guy the right to be a jerk! I‘ll tell you what, Sesshomaru. If you can beat me in a dual, I‘ll tell you whatever you want to know.” Kagome bet, her gaze moving from the little kitsune the taiyoukai.

“You would do well to listen to the Kitsune, girl. You hold no power compared to This Sesshomaru.” He grinned, his golden eyes gleaming as triumph set in the air.

“Hey! If I wanted to, I could easily beat you! Bring it!” Kagome yelled, putting the Kitsune on the ground before backing up her statement, walking towards the demon.

“Hn. You are foolish,” He spat, sprinting towards the girl. In a flash he was holding her neck in his hand, lifting her up into the ground.

“Coward…” Kagome breathed, her hands reaching at his arm, grabbing it effectively.

“Sesshomaru! You let her go!” Inuyasha yelled, running towards his brother.

“Inuyasha…” Kagome looked over to the half-demon, who stopped mid jump to glance at her curiosly.


He crashed into the Earth, cursing the whole way down.

“This one admires your honor, girl. It’s a shame you’ll have to die.” He chuckled, his claws turning green as his poison leaked through him.

‘Once I manage to destroy her… she will no longer manage to penetrate this one’s thoughts… This is the only way.’ He thought, gazing at the girl as he held her life in his hands.

His eyes softened as he saw the light leave her eyes. His chest felt like it was on fire, and his heart tightened in his chest.

His eyes widened as he felt a tingling sensation tickle his skin. Paying more attention to the girl, he watched as she lifted her head. Her eyes, which only moments ago looked as though the life had been drained from them, were now as blue as ever, lined with a bright pink.

‘Impossible…’ he thought, unable to move as she tightened her grip on his arm, smiling as she did so. He tilted his head slightly, before gasping as the very spot where she had been grabbing him now felt as if he had mounted it on a spit and was roasting it on an open fire.

He dropped her and jumped back, looking to his arm in disbelief. She fell to the ground with a hard thud, groaning loudly.

Sesshomaru glanced to the girl, who was laughing on the ground. Where had she received such power? Surely this couldn’t be the same girl from his father’s tomb?

“Looks like I win, Sesshomaru. Now you owe me.” She laughed, dropping her head as she fell unconscious.

Sesshomaru said nothing, too lost in thought to even comment.

‘She has been training since her arrival… This one was wrong in saying she was weak… She has improved in strength…’

His eyes shifted and were now focused on her body, which was now surrounded by her friends.

He sighed before walking away, trusting his companions to follow.
