Chocolate Smiles by Stella Mira

An Unforgivable Crime

Sunset Miko’s Once A Week Challenge

Prompt: Scarlet


Kagome had been arranging the chocolate delicacies in a dark lavender tray along with a glass pitcher full of freshly squeezed orange juice when the light sound of giggles, coming from the bathroom, reached her ears. She finished her arrangement and took the tray carefully to lay it on the low table in front of her old couch. Just as she was ready to go see if her guest needed any help, the twin menaces sprinted out of the bathroom, nearly toppling her over on the green couch.

“Emiko-chan, Akira-kun, you shouldn’t run like that inside a house…and your hair is still wet! You’re going to catch a cold.” Kagome shook her head when they ignored her in favor of staring at the sweets with a longing expression.

“I apologize for their impatient nature, Kagome-san. Emiko, Akira, where are your manners?”

Sesshōmaru’s stern scolding yielded different results. The twins turned to mutter a muffled sorry, biting their lips, pouting, embarrassed.

“It’s alright, Sesshōmaru-san. I was merely worried about their health. I don’t mind them being lively. They’re children after all…” Kagome laughed good-naturedly, stroking the kids’ dark wet locks, then she raised her head to look at their father.

She immediately regretted her action though, when she caught sight of his muscled, lean body, clad only in a crimson towel that hung low on his hips, water droplets clinging to his naked skin. Arousal heated her blood, darkened her eyes. Kagome dragged her gaze all over his tall form to meet amused black eyes staring at her with a knowing glint. She slapped herself mentally for eating the man alive with her hungry eyes, in front of the children no less, and motioned for him to take a seat across from her, not trusting her voice to sound normal after this.

“Your, uh, clothes are not yet dry… You’ll have to wait a bit more. I’m sorry.” Her voice spilled out of her throat low and husky as she had feared, but he made no move to sit down.

Damn…why does he have to stand there like a freaking Adonis tempting me with all this naked, lickable skin? It’s an unforgivable crime! Kagome cursed her lascivious nature and wild imagination. Images of entangled limbs and breathless sounds assaulted her fogged mind mercilessly, elicited by the perfect male visage before her.

“It is of no consequence. I would like to use your blow dryer if you have one, though? As you pointed out previously, it would not be wise to let them stay in their current wet state.” Sesshōmaru’s voice was rich and smooth, his half-grin too suggestive. Kagome was certain the man possessed mind reading abilities. The way he accented the last sentence made it seem far more sensual than innocent, as if he was not referring to the children but other sinful actions between a man and a woman.

“You are quite lucky, Sesshōmaru-san. I happen to have a regular blow dryer and a smaller one I use when I travel. I’ll dry Emiko-chan’s hair while you handle Akira-kun. How does that sound?” Kagome almost winced at her overly cheery voice but still plastered a huge smile on her face to mask all other inappropriate thoughts.

“That would be most welcome, Kagome-san.” Sesshoumaru inclined his head toward her, and she restrained herself from reaching out to touch a few dark locks that clung to his skin and ascertain if they were soft as silk.

She carried Emiko to the bathroom where she started combing her damp locks with a brush while the sound of a blow dryer was heard from the living room.

“You have soft hands, Kagome.” Emiko flashed a satisfied smile at Kagome as she ran her fingers through the little girl’s strands, trying to untangle the unruly curls after they were dry.

“Thank you, Emiko-chan. You have very nice shiny hair. I’m sure your mother is happy doing this for you every day.” Kagome’s lips curved in a small smile while she tied a scarlet ribbon with a cute bow through Emiko’s hair.

“I don’t see mama often. Papa always does that.” Emiko was chewing her bottom lip, eyes downcast, dimmed.

“Hm, well, your father takes really good care of you. This ribbon suits you very well, Emiko-chan…much more than it does me. Would you like to have it?” Kagome gave Emiko a small mirror to look at herself in an attempt to forget the obviously distressing conversation she had broached unwittingly. It had the desired result as Emiko’s eyes shone with joy at her suggestion and she nodded excitedly with a radiant smile, all previous thoughts forgotten.

“You’ll give it to me? Thank you, Kagome!” Emiko turned to smother Kagome in a tight hug.

“Let’s go eat some fudge before your brother finishes it by himself. I fear the men have the advantage on us with their short hair.” Kagome laughed and carried a giggling Emiko to the living room where indeed the men were waiting for them while enjoying the sweets and juice.