Holler Me Home by The Norrington

Unlikely Rescuer

If he closed his eyes, Sesshomaru could almost pretend that he was wrapped in silk, not spiderwebs.  Almost.  All around him he could hear the groans of other youkai; he could smell their blood and nearly taste their pain on his tongue.  His own blood had finally stopped drying.  Unfortunately, it made his own silk and his long hair stick to his skin in an absolutely maddening way.  If he had been any other youkai, he would have already groaned in pain or growled in irritation, either one.   

He had lost track of the time for a while now, and there were no windows in this room, or if there were, the spiderwebs were too thick to see through.  Naraku had been very thorough in making sure that Inu youkai would not be able to make his escape.  Earlier, he had idly wondered if he would suffocate before Naraku could do whatever he had planned.  Not that Sesshomaru would let him do anything, but the truth of the matter was that for the moment, he was well and truly stuck.  Literally.  

He had tried to pull from them, but even with his strength the webs were too strong.  He had attempted to use his poison to corrode his way out, but they had been resistent, and even when they fell away they were just rapidly replaced by more.  Bothersome.  So, in the end, all he could do was wait for something to happen.  It happened a lot sooner than he thought it would, and it was not what he thought it would be.  

The door of the room, which he could sort of make out through the haze of webbing, burst open.  A figure was there, and just as he went to inhale to catch a scent, light flared outward.  The webs cringed and then began to fry.  Soon, there was nothing left to support him, but he landed on his numb feet easily.  The rest of the horrid confinements shuddered to the floor as pale dust.  The beast in him rejoiced at his renewed freedom, but the calm youkai he was asessed his unlikely rescuer.  



She threw a grin at him, her hands still glowing brightly with her power.  He limped over to her on stiff legs, his knees popping.  She stood out of his way as he leveled with her, and he cast her a glare that was offset by the warmth in his gaze.  

"Tell no one."  

"As you wish, my love."   


A/N:  Again, my muse ran away with me.  But I like it, as a whole.  This was inspired by Luna's Weekly Challenge, and the prompt was Silk. 1/8/13