Holler Me Home by The Norrington

Brain Teaser

Sesshomaru grit his teeth, feeling an abnormal ticking feeling start in his eyebrow.  That is probably a vein about to burst, he thought sarcastically.  Sesshomaru had always taken pride in his ability to stay cool under pressure.  But this...  This was about to push him beyond his limit.  If he ever got a hold of that stupid little kit...

"You could just apologize you know," sighed the exsaperated voice of his mate.

Kagome's words were met with a glare and a stony silence, as Sesshomaru once again tried to figure out the puzzle Shippo had placed on him.  It really was a clever bit of fox magic, with interlocking bands of a flexible metal that trapped all of Sesshomaru's fingers together.  They had been sitting here for hours now, all because Sesshomaru had popped Shippo's balloon, and the kit had retaliated.  And then prompt fled, without telling anyone how to undo it.  

Kagome smiled to herself, secretly amused.  Serve him right.  It had taken her a good deal of effort and careful handling to get that damn balloon all the way here, and then he went and popped it.  Another growled filled the area, and she covered her mouth with her hand to hide her laughter.

Sesshomaru glared down at the contraption keeping him stuck.  

Oh, how he loathed puzzles.  


A/N:  This prompt was from SunsetMiko's Once A Week Challenge, and it was Puzzle.  2/15/13