Conundrum by Luna C.

Rain, Rain Go Away

KYN's Weekly Word Prompts

Prompt: Rain    

Word Count: 148

-Rain, Rain Go Away-

Why was it pouring? Kagome wouldn’t have figured a harmless shower of rain could prove detrimental to her own survival. She was drenched to the bone and the sodden tendrils of hair didn’t grant much protection from the onslaught.

“Rin-chan, do you know where we are heading?” Kagome asked, they have been trekking through this downpour for the past hour.

“Rin isn’t sure, maybe a cave.” She said cutely while rubbing her chin. “Rin is sure Sesshomaru-sama can find us some shelter in no time!”

Kagome glanced ahead, however she blushed as the white silk of Sesshomaru’s kimono became transparent to all. Though a majority of his armor covered all the explicit areas, it was good to know for future references not to purchase anymore white clothing if she had any modesty to her physical form.

She hid behind Rin’s hair when the demon glanced back towards her.


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