Conundrum by Luna C.

Patience is a Virtue

Valentine’s Day Countdown Challenge

Prompt: Noodles

Word Count: 315

-Patience is a Virtue-

The rag tag group crowded the hut of the elder priestess, Kaede, the atmosphere somber and the room stifling hot from the open fire. Inuyasha returned after disappearing for a couple days, his puppy ears tucked down, blending in with the silver of his unruly mane. They glanced up at the ruckus, but returned to their meal without greeting him.

“I miss Kagome…” Shippou said after munching lethargically on his bits of soba noodles.

Sango sighed with despondency, “We all do Shippou, I’m sure Kagome is somewhere out there.”

Shippou sniffled a little, turning away from the group, rubbing his tiny hands over his eyes. “Lady Kagome has perseverance, thinking negatively on this will only bring bad omen. We will find her.” Miroku wisely stated, slurping the steamy, savory broth. “Inuyasha, were there any new leads on her whereabouts?”

Inuyasha grunted, his claws tapping against the sheath of Tessaiga, his expression darkened with morose. Miroku exhaled deeply, not surprised from the noncommittal response. Unfortunately, Shippou didn’t take too well to the lack of answers and scurried towards Inuyasha, clamping his tiny fangs over the sensitive ears.

“Damn it brat!” Inuyasha yelped, pulling on the tiny body away from his head. “What the hell is wrong with you?!”

“I want Kagome!” He wailed, sinking his little claws into the flesh of the older male’s hand, fat tears leeching out from his large emerald eyes.

“We all do!” Inuyasha yelled out, lips pulled into a grimace when the dull prickle of pain shot through the entire length of his arm. “I promise to get her back…”

The rest of the group sat back, watching the interaction, accustomed to the typical occurrence once the disappearance of Kagome shook each person to the core. There wasn’t much to do, but wait until Inuyasha sniffed out a lead of Kagome.

And patience for the overall group was at the minimum.


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