Conundrum by Luna C.

Lesser Standards

Avadrea’s Oddities Challenge

Prompt: Argent - silver or (especially in heraldry) silver-white

Word Count: 364

-Lesser Standards-

Kagome wondered how long they have been traveling, the discomfort in her lower limbs creaked with each stride trying to keep pace with the demon lord. It was difficult since said demon seemed to want plenty of distance between him and her. She grumbled to herself, already knowing the reason, but still, it was rather rude in her opinion. It technically wasn’t her fault she stunk, she wasn’t perfect, her body couldn’t magically clean itself with a single thought. Each step made her feel annoyed at Sesshomaru, if he maintained his pace, she was forced to jog just to keep up with him, and that little thought didn’t sound very appealing to her at the moment, not when the kimono was leaden with human waste and the fact it was rather tight at the knees. She would practically look like a simpleton and no doubt the demon had something else to belittle her on, not vocally but internally. Ever the proud demon, it was easily discernible that Sesshomaru had a repellency of conversation, and to grace her with his voice must be of the highest privileges in his mind. He thought he was important and the very definition of perfection. Doubtful, Kagome could already see the blemishes of imperfection on his figure; the blood stained silks and the matted, once silvered tresses. He probably reeked too with the amount of blood on him, and he had the nerve to presume she needed a bath, even though she desperately needed one.

It was still evening with the full moon high above the canopies, and she was thankful for the light, but was still apprehensive nevertheless. She must have sighed for the umpteenth time for Sesshomaru to halt in his strides. “If this Sesshomaru were of lesser standards, I would have left you to rot.” Kagome could tell he was aggravated, but of course, she paid him no mind since she too was feeling a bit irascible herself. 

“Then why didn’t you?” Sometimes her mouth needed to stop and process the words in her mind before speaking, it would make things less complicated as it was.

“This Sesshomaru has honor, something humans evidently seem to lack.”


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