Conundrum by Luna C.


KYN's Weekly Word Prompts

Prompt: Knowledge

Word Count: 164


Jaken scurried forward, wheezing out air while the appearance of his lord greeted him just over the hill. His knees jittered once the aura surrounded his small form.

At his pointed look, Jaken began his reconnaissance report. “There are several leads about a wandering enchanter milord, some leading north, others leading south.” Frustrating but at the very least they found some rumors. Rumors that require him to travel throughout the entire length of Nippon for something not set in stone. He knew this individual loathed at the idea of being restricted in one place too long, and during his service, he requested several trips around the countryside, bequeathing bouts of wisdoms and whatnots to fellow travelers.

“Too many leads.” The tiny human squeaked out. “This is gonna take forever if both leads are in opposite directions.” Sesshomaru grudgingly agreed with her, though this is the first steps with actual points of location, they are simply too scattered and would prove at the end fruitless.  


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