Conundrum by Luna C.

Nature Calls

KYN's Weekly Word Prompt

Prompt: Alarm

Word Count: 212

-Nature Calls-

“How much longer do we gotta stay here?” Kagome inquired, noticing the light returning to the demon’s eyes. He blinked once for focus, having stared at the scroll for the past minutes without continuing on the next passage. He found it strange, usually his mind doesn’t wander from important tasks but somehow he tuned out. “Well, aren’t you gonna talk?” She mumbled out, tired of his silent demeanor.

“We will depart soon.”

“So you did find something?” Her eyes glittered with aspiration; however Sesshomaru couldn’t give a tangible answer since it wasn’t much an answer but a name. A name he hasn’t heard of in a long time. It was unnerving to come across this piece of information in the records, as the being mentioned was considered dead. But knowing how magic worked, this person could have easily concealed his own death or could have easily been revived once again. Another journey, another quest, and another reason to be away from the paperwork that awaited once he returned to his domain. But he wasn’t complaining about the adventure it would bring and smidge of entertainment it could provide, but the fact who will accompany him on said quest.

Now the only task left was to gather any rumors of an anomalous enchanter.


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