What Lies Between Us by otterbaby

Chapter 1

So Azuka and I decided it would be fun to work on a story together and this it the result. If you haven't already, you should go check out her work. 

Inuyasha and Co. don't belong to us. Anyone else is free game >:3


Aderyn paced around the room, blonde hair sticking out like the plumage of an exotic bird. Azuka watched, her ocher eyes ticking back and forth with the other female's restless movements.

“What’s the matter, Eryn-chan?”

“Oh my lord... What is he going to say? I can’t just waltz in there with two hanyou fledglings.”

Azuka blinked slowly and then shook her head, “I hardly believe that he would disown you.”

“Sesshomaru no Ouji hates half-breeds. You know that as well as I do.” Aderyn snapped.

Azuka raked a hand through her hair, “Thats true but this is YOU we’re talking about!”

“I may technically be a demon lord, but thats only by birth. He owns my life. He will only tolerate so much from me.” Aderyn turned to look at the two small children sitting near her best friend. “Zuka-chan, I don’t know what I’m going to do about this.”

Azuka pulled the children into her lap and sighed, “If the worst happens, I will take the children to a safe place and stay with them. You will not lose your children.” Azuka closed her eyes and shook her head, “Regardless, I do not believe Sesshomaru no Ouji will throw us out because of their blood. Sesshomaru-sama is a good demon lord, even if he is stubborn.”

“Hai... I know.” Aderyn smoothed her hair.

“Our biggest concern is convincing the Council.”

Aderyn snorted, “I can tell you, my father will not approve. Kaimana and Quetzalxochitl may be able to help. Charu most definitely will and so will Dazza.” Aderyn’s bicolored eyes grew thoughtful.

Azuka nodded and stood up, “Yosh!” The children in her arms laughed as the kitsune struck a ridiculous pose. “Don’t worry you two! Aunty-Azu will always be there to whisk you off to safety!” She hugged the children and purred.

Aderyn grinned and stole the little boy and kissed his head. “My little Kichi. I won’t let Sesshomaru take my babies away.”

“Sesshomaru would not be so cold... He is my cousin after all, and I am a part of The Pack. My word hold weight.” Azuka kept hold of Tenshi but her gaze and focus wandered outside, past the windows to the wilderness beyond the castle.

"I am considered pack as well, as I was an Alliance Gift."

“Mother should be home soon...” Introspective, Azuka’s triangular ears drooped back and her lips parted slightly.

“Aunty ZuZu, you look funny!” Tenshi giggled and placed her hands on her aunt’s cheeks then stretched the skin painfully until the kitsune relented.


“Funny, Aunty-ZuZu, funny-face!” Tenshi laughed as Azuka protested comically for the child’s benefit.

“Also, keep in mind, Eryn-chan, that Azuka is also hanyou, Sesshomaru no Ouji’s Aunt Nishimasako is also hanyou. Nishimasako-sama is also the White General and sister of the Inu no Taishou. If he wants to admit it or not, Sesshomaru no Ouji’s own brother is also hanyou. Lord Inuyasha is coming along quite nicely now that Naraku-teme has become serious.” Azuka said softly, watching her best friend.  

“Yes, I know. Personally, I don’t trust the little bastard.” Aderyn rolled her eyes. “His companions though...” She trailed off thoughtfully.

Azuka giggled, “Ah yes, he is quite foul-mouthed and uncouth. I find myself very fond of the female he protects, however. What was her name again...?”

Tenshi laughed and poked her Aunt’s nose, “You have a funny look on your face again, Aunty ZuZu!”

“Ehhhh? What’s it look like?” Azuka plastered a genuine concerned expression on her face, looking up at the ceiling.

“Like you have to go poopy!”

Aderyn snickered, “Kagome, I think is her name. Her aura is... odd. Like her Reiki doesn’t fit her body.” She pulled a face. “Being around her makes me uncomfortable, like a Beast on verge of a rage.” She paused,  “I just thought of a way to help convince my lord.”

Azuka’s ears perked, her pupils narrowing as she focused on Aderyn, “Oh? What is it?”

“Introduce the pups to Rin-chan first.” Azuka’s lips spread in a devious grin, making the girl in her lap frown disapprovingly.

“Aunty-ZUZUUUU! You’re not supposed to look evil!” Tenshi pulled on her aunt’s face hard this time, making the kitsune wail and submit instantly.

“B-but I like mommy’s idea!”

“That’s better, make funny faces Aunty-ZuZu!” Tenshi said sweetly, the image of pure innocence while her aunt wept quite comically.

Aderyn giggled at her friends face. “Yeah, Aunty Zuzu”  

Azuka smiled and gestured at Aderyn, “Something tells me there's more? Or should I go and fetch Rin-chan now?”

Tenshi looked between her mother and her aunt for a moment then looked at her twin brother.

“What does Ki-kun think?”

“Who’s Rin-chan?” the little boy questioned. Tenshi turned to the adults for she too, was at a loss.

“Yeah, who is Rin-chan?”

Azuka blinked and then began to giggle. Her laugh was infectious and Aderyn and the children began to laugh as well. Aderyn’s face grew somber once more. “One problem,” she murmured, “He’s here and he’s not happy.”

Azuka set Tenshi down, and glances at Aderyn, “No matter what happens, I’m with you.”

Sesshomaru stormed in, Jaken hot on his heels and glared at the petite blonde. “Hanyous in the Western Palace?”

“You would bring such filthy creatures into the House of the Moon?” Jaken squawked.

“Be quiet, Jaken.” Sesshomaru snapped before looking at Aderyn.

“Damn Illyfant,” Aderyn muttered, then straighten, “Yes, my lord, I brought hanyou’s into the Palace and it is my wish to raise them as my own fledglings.”

Azuka stepped forward on the heels of Aderyn’s words and bowed deeply, “I humbly request my lord, that you hesitate in your decision. Hear our words, cousin, I beg you not to be rash.”

He sniffed disdainfully, “ I care not what they are, the pups will not be harmed, cousin. The bird on the other hand, must be punished for bringing them into my home without permission, regardless of what they are.”

Azuka dipped further in her bow, “I understand my Lord, please then, allow me to partake in her punishment as well. I will not allow her to suffer alone. I trust Sesshomaru no Ouji, as well as his judgement. Please, accept my request Sesshomaru-sama.”

“Your punishments will be to patrol the parameters of the Western Lands until I deem sufficient.”

Azuka rose from her bow with a smile, “Of course, cousin.”

“Very well, my lord, who shall care for the fledglings while we are away?” Aderyn questioned, falling into a bow, arm across a scarlet clad knee.

Sesshomaru folded his arms into his sleeves as he regarded the women, “Jaken; they will be in the presence of Rin and Jaken who will be within the Palace Walls.”

Aderyn turned her head to glance at Azuka, mirth evident in her visible eye.

“As you wish, my lord. We shall depart within the hour.” The bird rose to her feet and began to turn away, to gather the children back into her arms so she could get them settled.

“Wait,” Sesshomaru barked softly, his gilded eyes meeting those of his toad servant. “Bring Rin here.”

“Ack! Y-yes, of course Milord! At once!”

Azuka snickered softly, hiding her mirth behind a long white sleeve. Her cousin was not fooled.

“I have one request, my lord.” Aderyn turned back to him, the little girl in her arms. Sesshomaru returned his focus upon his favored vassal, “Speak.”

“I wish for my personal guards to accompany us on our travels.”

Azuka crossed her arms and turned to look back out the window as the two began to discuss the details of their punishment.

Sesshomaru nodded his acquiescence, “You may have them accompany you. It will do far more good then the pair of them skulking around the shiro causing trouble.”

It was a well known fact that the only person that could control the twin inu-kitsune females was Aderyn and nobody could figure that one out. The pair were brilliant fighters, but like all kitsune, they were prone to mischief when bored. “Go summon the guards Kaori and Shizuka, cousin.”

“Yes, my lord.” Azuka bowed and hurried to carry out the orders of her no Ouji, eager to see her fellow kitsune’s. As she was leaving, Jaken ushered in a Rin who was engrossed in the flowers she had collected that day.

“Rin-chan,” Aderyn knelt down in front of the child, hiding the two hanyous behind her back. “I brought you some friends to play with.”

Tenshi and Kichi peeked out from behind their mother to see the little human girl that had been talked about earlier.

“She’s real pretty...” Tenshi whispered, her fingers absently findings those of her twin.

Kichi nodded in agreement, “ I like her.”

Rin’s dark brown eyes brightened and she smiled, showing all of her teeth as she extended the bouquet of flowers, “Rin likes you too, Rin also thinks that you two are pretty!”

Tenshi blushed and giggled but Kichi turned bright red, “.... boy’s aren’t pretty.”

Aderyn patted the boy’s red hair, “They can be. Pretty isn’t a bad thing, Kichi. Lord Sesshomaru is very pretty.” She covered her mouth in horror when she realized what she had said.

The Western Prince nearly expressed himself, but managed to restrain it down to a single eyebrow twitch. Kichi noticed and pointed triumphantly, “See! Even Sesshomaru no Ouji doesn’t think boys should be called pretty!”

The silence was deafening and both hanyou’s flipped their ears back against their skulls instinctively. Until Rin began to laugh, and when the human girl giggled even Sesshomaru sighed in resignation, “This Sesshomaru... has been told by many, and this Sesshomaru cannot be molded by a single word, such as ‘pretty’.” A soft pink touched the bridge of the mighty demon’s nose.

Tenshi walked up to the demon lord and patted his hand, “Tenshi thinks that Sesshomaru no Ouji is a very handsome and scary and she thanks you for letting us stay with Mama in your home.”

Sesshomaru knelt down in front of the little girl, his hand upon her scarlet head and his eyes upon the strand of blue that framed the one side of her adorable face, “Your Mother is dear to this Sesshomaru, and thus you are dear.” When the no Ouji stood, he glanced at the male twin with equal fondness. “Do not allow yourself to be molded by a single word, Kichi-san. It would not become you.”

Aderyn bowed low to Sesshomaru, “Thank you, my lord.”

The Western Prince turned to face the woman that approached him so long ago with a similar expression on her face and allowed her a smile that was not afforded to many. “You are welcome.”

The blonde grinned up at him, then knelt by her children again. “Listen to me. Mama has to go away for a little, so you’ll be staying here with Sesshomaru no Ouji and Jaken-sama. Don’t let Jaken bully you and stay with Rin-chan, okay?” She looked into both sets of aquamarine eyes, then kissed their foreheads as she rose.

Rin put her arms behind her and smiled, “Rin will make a lot of fun! Rin know’s a place in the garden, where moon lilies grow! They bloom at night! Rin will show you after supper.” The little human girl nodded, enthusiastically.

Aderyn headed for the window and with a nod to her lord, and blown kisses to the three children, she jumped.