Inner Demons by Hedda


Disclaimer: Don't own anything from the Inuyasha universe.

Inspiration: This story is written for Smittee's first 'Alphabet Challenge' at Dokuga. Each drabble of exactly 100 words will be inspired by the unusual prompts given there.

Warning: This story will deal with adult themes (suicide, death, mental diseases) and possibly crude language and/ or sex. Please, don't read if you are not old enough or can't cope with it.

Appeal: If you can't cope with your life anymore, if you hate yourself or wish for your own death, then go and see a DOCTOR. You don't have to feel this way because you are probably down with a serious mental disease. Depression is not a form of craziness; you are suffering from an illness which can be cured! Trust me, it is a long road but it will be worth it. Don't let a disease destroy your life! Don't be afraid of seeking help. Doctors and therapist are paid to help you and they want to, as well.

I let them help me. Without their help, I wouldn't be around anymore. I got new hopes, new prospects and I even found new friends, who suffered from the same or similar diseases. There really is good in everything. If you have questions or if you just need someone to talk with, you are invited to contact me.

This story is written in order to raise the reader's awareness of mental diseases and it is dedicated to everyone who faces hardship in his/her life. You are not alone.

Prompt: abapical – at the lowest point

I do hope you enjoy the story, despite its grave themes. And I promise, the next author's note will not be nearly as long as this one. ;)


No job, she had left university without graduation and lived in a relationship she didn't want. Her bank account was in the red and she had gained 40 pounds during this last year.

Kagome opened her bottle of water and after she had swallowed the first pill, she took a sip. She repeated this for every pill that was piled in front of her, 127 times. When she was done with the last calmative, she crawled under her blanket and waited for the eternal sleep to finally claim her.

No, Kagome really couldn't sink any lower. She was already abapical.