Dearly Beloved by Aviel


Disclaimer: Though it saddens me to say it, I don’t own anything relating to Takahashi-sensei’s Inuyasha. However, the plot and/or ideas of this drabble series do belong to me.

A/N: This one really hits close to home. :( Update 3 of 3.

Chapter 93: Void

Careful,” Sesshoumaru warned, keeping a firm hold on Kagome’s hand as she leaned forward beside him. She was lowering a paper lantern down to the water, dangerously close to the barrier of sharp rocks at their feet. There was a subtle slump of her shoulders, and a neutral smile on her lips. Her face was illuminated by the other hundreds of lights that were floating across the river–representations of deceased loved ones.

Don’t worry,” she murmured softly, sure that the candle of her lantern would remain lit. “I’m not afraid.”

Sesshoumaru flexed his fingers around her palm, but refrained from commenting. He took in the mask of solemnity gracing her features, inwardly relieved when the ghost of sadness failed to appear.

I’d always wondered what it would’ve been like if my dad was still alive–if he was still here.” Kagome hugged her knees to her chest, resting her chin on top of them. The new position was a bit awkward since Sesshoumaru still had possession of her hand, but she had managed.

Sometimes, I wonder if things would have turned out differently, you know? Like, if Mama had never gotten those shadows under her eyes or hadn’t had to worry about how to put food on the table by herself. I wonder about Souta, and how he would’ve grown up if he’d had a proper father figure in his life. I mean, I love Grandpa–I really dobut it’s not quite the same. Souta doesn’t have any memories of our dad. I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t have known what he’d looked like if we didn’t have pictures of him around the house. He doesn’t even know the sound of his voice…” Her breath hitched suddenly. “I don’t know if I remember what it sounds like.”

The woman paused then, a lump caught in her throat. She gave her husband a questioning look when he reached over and thumbed her cheeks, wiping away the tears she hadn’t realized were there.

I wonder what he’d look like today… If he’d still have that big, goofy grin on his face, or if he’d be balding by now. Or, maybe he’d have wrinkles from laughing so much.” Her smile was heartbreaking when she said, “But most of all, I wonder if he’d still wrap me in his arms, hold me close, and tell me that everything’s going to be alright.”


Original Posting Date: February 22, 2013

Prompt: For Sunset Miko’s Once a Week Challenge, Candle

Words: 400