The Story by ItsyBitsySpider

Prologue- My Story

Summary: Some people will tell you that my story is a love story.  They are wrong.  It is not a love story.
Pairing: SessKag, mentions of KogaKag and InuKag
Dedication: Uh... Freya Ishtar.  Cuz she’s awesome that way.
Warning: Angst, first person POV, SHORT CHAPTERS (but not technically drabbles)
Rating: T for now.  May get higher later, if it gets graphic.  Don’t expect citrus; I don’t write that anymore.
Disclaimer: Characters and InuYasha do not belong to me, but to Takahashi Rumiko-sama.  I am responsible for creating the situation, and the storyline only.  Please do not take and use or post elsewhere without my express permission.  Thank you.
Word Count: 948


Okay, I’m going to tell you a story.  You’ve probably heard a million others just like it, but that’s not the point.  The point is that it is my story, so whether you’ve heard it from someone else, about another girl, is moot.  Because this is me, telling my story, to you.  So listen up.

My name is Higurashi Kagome.  I am a girl, just like any other girl.  I have a home, and a favorite color.  I have a favorite food, and boys whom I like.  My most precious thing is a memory, and my life has been rife with ups and downs just like any other girl or boy in the world.

Some people will tell you that my story is a love story.  They are wrong.  It is not a love story.  They will tell you it’s an adventure.  It is not an adventure.  They will tell you it has a happy ending.  It does not have a happy ending.

My story is a tragedy, full of error and pain, and an ending that is not an ending but a beginning of more of the same.

Actually, it’s more like a continuation.


I once met a boy.  He was handsome and roguish.  Just the sort of boy all normal girls want to fall in love with.  He even had that much-hoped-for soft side, which he hid away and only let out when he thought no one was paying attention.

Of course, who else was I going to fall in love with but this boy?  And I did fall in love.  So very hard, like taking a nose-dive off a cliff and landing in churning waters.

For years, that’s just what we were like.  Those waters would even out, and then churn up all over again.

Hell, I even had a reflection.  A woman that was me but was not me.  She used to be me, but wasn’t anymore, because I am me and she could not yet hope to be.  But she would eventually be me, because...  Heh.  Well, because I am her reincarnation.

Her name was Kikyo, and she was in love with Inuyasha first.

Actually, that might be where the love-story rumors came from, really.  I mean, it’s a bit romantic, don’t you think?  Like in a dream, I fell in love with the same boy twice.  In the past, and then again after I was reborn.  It’s almost like Romeo and Juliet in a way, because they-  we both died.

Except he did not die.  He only slept, but that’s what happened with Juliet, isn’t it?  See what I mean?

Even before I was born, my “love story” was doomed to be a tragedy.

I told this to my best friend Sango.  She smiled and told me it was a second chance, not a repeat of the past.  At the time, I took her words for truth, for conviction, for hope.

She was wrong.  It was not a second chance.  It was not exactly a repeat, either, but rather a variation with the same result.  In the end, I once more lost Inuyasha.

Perhaps, for my own sanity’s sake, it’s a good thing he died from a wound and not my own hand.  Not like the first time.

We really were just like Romeo and Juliet.


Actually, I was a bit like Little Red Riding Hood, too.  I met a wolf, and he wanted to eat me up.  Perhaps he wouldn’t wear my grandmother’s skin to deceive me, but he would certainly do anything in his power to gain my favor.

He and Inuyasha - that’s the boy I loved - did not like each other.  In fact, this wolf, Koga?  He rather very much despised my Inuyasha, especially after Inuyasha died and left me all alone.

The relationship I had with this wolf was... different.  I cared for him, deeply, but I did not love him.  Not in the way he most desired.

And yet, like a distraught widow, I laid with him all the same in the wake of my husband’s death.

Perhaps it was a mistake to do so.  I don’t know.  I was young, and I was sad, and I didn’t know what else to do.  I think Koga wanted to get me pregnant.  He would linger near me for long moments after we slept together sometimes, as if waiting.

But it never took.  I never bore him a child, and I never accepted his mating suit.  Eventually, he lost interest and moved on, and so did I.

Sango told me it was for the best.  I think it was.

I think it may have not been, sometimes, too.


Only once more did I dare to love again.  By then, I was nearly fourty, and yet had not aged a day since I was nineteen.  To be fair, neither had he.

His name was Sesshomaru, and he was by far the most handsome of the lot.  Almost pretty, in a way, really.  He was Inuyasha’s brother, and had the same long, silver hair that my precious boy did.

They got this hair from their father, the late, great Inu no taisho.

Sesshomaru was a strange man.  He always had been, truthfully.  Strange and almost ethereal; our love, like mine and Inuyasha’s, was dream-like.

Actually, it was Sesshomaru that made the first move.  He told me in no uncertain terms that he wanted me, had always wanted me.  I believed myself to be healed enough from losing Inuyasha, and let Sesshomaru court me.

That... that is when my love story that is not a love story truly began.  That was the beginning of my tragedy.


Okay, so I actually started this to be a one-shot, but I think it’ll do better in chapters.  ^^;  This would technically be the “prologue”, here.  Lol

Been a while since I’ve posted!  Sorry about that.  Haven’t been too into IY stuff lately.  Don’t know when I’ll post the next chapter, and this one is unbeta’d.  But still, enjoy!