A Day Out of the Everyday by Smittee

A Day Out of the Everyday

A Day Out of the Everyday

I don't own any of Rumiko Takahashi's characters etc, nor do I write this for a profit. I'm just a writer, who likes to get away from the constant conformity of existence.  This one shot has been edited.

On a beautiful summer's day in Sengoku Jidai, two Inu brothers had found a way to get along. Well, more like Kagome had them both on a tight leash. Miroku had left on Haji to visit his sensei. Sango took Shippo and Kirara off to do something. Rin and Jaken had taken Ah~Un to pick wildflowers. So, Kagome was stuck with the two brothers. Kagome sat upon a hill with the two; her arms stretched behind her to keep her top half up. Her head was tilted so that she may look upon the passing clouds overhead. A smile was stretched out upon her face.

Inuyasha kept sending glares at his brother. He did not appreciate Sesshomaru’s stay with them. But, he knew Kagome and his brother were in love, and so Inuyasha dared not go after Sesshomaru. Otherwise, the wrath of Kagome's 'sit' would be upon him. So, he sat upon the hill with the two, his arms crossed in front of him, and his legs crossed as well before him. He would look to his brother and glare, look to Kagome and sometimes sigh, and then look to the grass he was sitting on.

Sesshomaru complied with her wishes. He would not harm the hanyou for his idiocy, and in return would be able to sit there on the hill with Kagome. Not to mention he desired not to see the wrath of Kagome's anger. She didn't have a 'sit' command for him, but her temper was just as bad, if not worse. So, he would steal glances towards Kagome. But he mostly kept his eyes looking straight in front of him, as if going into a tranquil state.

Yes, all seemed a peace and quite time. All of a sudden, a surprise came to the void of noise.

"Kagome," asked Inuyasha. “Why do you still get captured so much?"

A little annoyed, Kagome answered with,” What do you mean 'still get captured'?!'

Truthfully, Kagome didn't know why it happened. 'You'd think I'd know when It's coming by now. I figured out very ugly, and sometimes bug-eyed, people are usually the ones to kidnap me. It’s the off ones that catch me off hand now though. But still-' she cut off her thoughts.


Sesshomaru, now interested in the conversation, turned his head towards the two. "Actually, he is quite right, Kagome. Even after I joined the group, you were kidnapped three times. Those times were during times we were protecting you from harm in battle.. Why is that?"

"You too, Sesshomaru? Well, I guess it's because it happens so fast."

"Yeah, that's true. But, shouldn't you be able to-I don't know- figure out how to get out of these situations? I mean, these guys' strategies seem to almost always be the same. And, not to sound too mean, but they all are about the same strength,” answered Inuyasha.

"Yes. Why can't you just try and purify them,” added Sesshomaru.

"Well-I-uh..." They got her now. She was cornered. "Well, I'm not all entirely-"

"How I see it, you want to get captured! You want us save you!" Inuyasha placed a hand on his knee.

Kagome's jaw dropped. "Inuyasha, how could you think such a thing?! Sesshomaru, don't tell me you'd think I'd do that!"

Sesshomaru had cupped his chin. "You know, Inuyasha does have a point."

Kagome was stunned. 'Something is wrong here. Inuyasha and Sesshomaru are agreeing way too much!' All of a sudden, she saw them both...laughing? 'What in the world? Wait a minute...'

"Inuyasha? Sesshomaru? It's not really you guys. Is it?"

Two puffs of smoke came up. Two monkey sprites showed their true forms and rolled on their backs, laughing. Their actions soon seized, and they gulped. They did not like the look on her face. Soon after, they could be seen running for their lives. Kagome yelled after.

“I’ll get you for this!"

 She caught up, and gave them nice, large bumps on their noggins. She sat down and thought about something. 'Wait a minute, aren't their three monkey sprites? Why isn’t the third one here?'


"Get back here, you little runt! Get this stone off my hand-huff- Couldn’t you have-puff- at LEAST-huff-given a different rock to Sesshomaru…I don't want to be connected to HIM for the REST of my LIFE!"

"For once I agree with you, Inuyasha," growled out Sesshomaru. "How dare he look like Kagome and PULL a trick like that on THIS SESSHOMARU!"

What did the last monkey do to the two brothers to make them both attached to the same stone? The world may never know. But I'll tell you one thing, Sesshomaru and Inuyasha will never tell another soul this happened...That is, if they ever get it off in time, before Kagome finds out.