the things this Sesshoumaru would do... by *~*Missy*~*

Here in this moment, the lines have been drawn

The Last Pain


Kagome seethed, she was so angry that she nearly didn’t know what to do with herself. 

“INUYASHA THIS IS THE LAST PAIN YOU WILL EVER MAKE ME SUFFER!”  Kagome yelled and in anger a bolt of pink power flew at Inuyasha stopping just at his feet and she rejoiced in the look a fear in his eyes.  “Sesshoumaru, let us depart, I have had enough of this insufferable hanyou for the time being.”  Kagome said as she marched off into the woods.

“You have made a grave mistake little brother.”  Were Sesshoumaru’s parting words as he chased after the miko.

Words: 100