the things this Sesshoumaru would do... by *~*Missy*~*




Challenge: Avadrea’s Oddities

Prompt: Culgrath(the shock from first plunging in to the water)

Words: 117

Kagome’s body fell to the ground as whatever was inhabiting her left.  She felt a culglath the feeling when you first plung yourself in the water.  She felt shocked and she was finally free, released from the prison that she was in, but she could not remember specifics of what had happened.  She was suddenly in Sesshoumaru’s arms and he was chastising her for being a stupid girl.  She couldn’t fathom why he was mad at her.

“Are you mad at me Sesshoumaru?”  She asked as he body trembled and her eyes reached up to his, they met hers and held them.

“No Kagome..this one is not made at you.”  And after that his lips crashed into hers.