the things this Sesshoumaru would do... by *~*Missy*~*

Let Go

Let Go


Challenge: Stella’s Soundtrack Challenge

Prompt: Let Go

Words: 108


“You will let go of her you vile being, she is this ones.”  Sesshoumaru snarled.  He wanted to attack whatever this was very badly, but he couldn’t risk hurting Kagome. 

“Very well, if you really want me to let her go then tell me.  Do you love her?”

“This Sesshoumaru knows not of the concept of love.” 

“Look deeply into your heart Lord of the Western Lands and you’ll find that we both know you are lying.  Admit it to me now, and you shall have this woman back that you so desire.  Do you love her?”

“Yes.  But she will never know, now give her to me.”