the things this Sesshoumaru would do... by *~*Missy*~*

Yellow Acacia

Challenge: Language of Flowers

Prompt: Yellow Acacia- Secret Love

Words: 111

Kagome set out to meet him, Sesshoumaru, her secret love.  They must keep themselves a secret, for no good would ccome of word getting out and further more, she didn't even know what it was they had.

She emerged into the clearing and felt his powerful aura wash over her and nearly kock her ack.  But she loved the feel of it as it consumed her.  She looked at him, he was perched on a tree stump, a pure white kimono hanging open, making him like a Kami: just to look at him took her breath away.

Yes this is love...Damnit  She thought as she took a deep breath.