the things this Sesshoumaru would do... by *~*Missy*~*


Challenge: Avadrea's Oddities

Prompt: Tarn(a small pool or lake)

Kaggome knew being a packmate was a solemn thing.   She felt honored.  Her eyes flickered to the small tarn behind the demon lord, she needed to bathe ever so badly.

"Care to join me in the hotspring, Kagome?"

He said my name!  Kagome thought with a gasp.  She nodded and took his supplies over to the hotspring.  She quickly stripped and slipped into the hotspring sighing in relief.

Kagome leaned back adn hissed a little.

"What is it?"  Sesshoumaru's curious voice floated to her eyes.

"I am sore, ever since our night, I haven't been able to relax."  She sighed.