Something Unexpected by teddy53

The begining

I do not own the characters and to make it easier for you guys to understand Sesshomaru is only a few years older than Inuyasha rather than seeming as if he's in his 20's in human age (if he was human).




He saw Sesshomaru picking up an unconscious bloody Kagome. Then he saw something that made his heart scrunch up, the look in Sesshomaru's eyes. They were the eyes of lust and love and those very eyes were looking straight at Kagome. Inuyasha's hand turned into a hard fist “SESSHOMARU!” he yelled with all his heart, out of frustration and jealousy. Then Sesshomaru turned and faced his brother. Those very eyes, the eyes of lust, love, and worry were still there and were now facing Inuyasha. "Your miko," Sesshomaru said very quietly “she was in distress.”

-Sometime before; into the past-

    “Orie, send for my son.” Said Inu no Taisho. “Yes sir, right away.” Replied Orie, his secretary. A few moments after, Sesshomaru stepped into the office. “You have sent for me Father?”

“Yes, Sesshomaru come closer and sit down.” Sesshomaru took a seat in front of his Father’s desk which was filled with messy papers everywhere, but a neat yellow file caught his eye. “I know you are young, very young, to even be in this position you are at right now. Many of the others even envy you, some hate.”

“Yes Father I know, I wish to prove myself, which I have yet to do.”

“Well my son, I have something that you have been eyeing for a great deal of time.” Taisho grabbed the yellow folder from his desk. “Here is a case I need you to work on. It shall be your first so don’t whine”

“Humph” was Sesshomaru’s only reply as he took the folder and inspected its contents. As he was going through the folder his eyes narrowed.

“Now don’t be mad son.”

“This isn’t even a challenge! Do you think of me as so low to give me such a pathetic case?”

“Here is where you whine my son. An undercover job takes a very skilled person, be proud.”

“It does not take much skill to be undercover in High School.”

“Well it is perfect, you are the right age for it, you graduated very young in your other high school.”

“THIS high school is made up of humans and half-breeds! They do not deserve this Sesshomaru’s presence!”

Taisho's voice remained calm despite his son's outburst of anger “That is where you are wrong my son. Maybe this might teach you something you truly need to learn, something that the teachers or even myself can’t teach you.” Sesshomaru just glared at his Father. “Besides there is something strange and demonic going on in that school, kids have been reported gone missing and with the evidence we have, we think there is more to it than just missing teenagers. So Sesshomaru will you accept this? Or will you quite?”

“This Sesshomaru accepts.”

“Very well, you have no undercover name, you don’t really need one since they don’t have a record of you, and you start tomorrow. Here is your schedule. And nothing more is needed! So good luck my son and get out of my office, the more you are here the more you spread your child like whining to me. The next thing you know I’ll start whining about how I hate my job.” Sesshomaru just left his Father’s office and was very pissed.


   “Have I, oh I forgot what I was going to say… OH wait I remember! Have I ever told you I love just how SOFT your hair feels?!” said an intoxicated Inuyasha as he was stroking Kagome’s hair. “Um Sango, remind me again why we even came to Miroku’s party?” said a very annoyed Kagome. “We wanted the free cake… sigh I totally regret it.” Replied Sango. “WOO PARTEH ON!!!!!!!!” Both Sango and Kagome turned only to see a naked guy running straight passed their faces. Both girls immediately turned red.

“Kagome, why, why are you soooooooooo red? It was that bastard wasn’t it?! I’LL GET YOU!” said Inuyasha as he stood only to fall on the ground “Wait I just gotta, I just gotta get up.” He made a few attempts to getting to his feet but ended up failing “I’ll show him tomorrow! But right now I gotta take a nap…” Inuyasha fell asleep on the floor and other random people just walked passed him. Some even stepped on him. “Ugh this is what I get. I’ll take him home.” Said Kagome “Here I’ll help.” But as Sango went to help her friend Miroku came and swiftly took her “Let’s dance?” and without waiting for her reply he took the now blushing Sango away. “Sigh, well looks like I’m on my own now, still I can’t help but feel happy for her.”



“Yes Inuyasha?”

“Thanks for helping me home.” They were both walking on the sidewalk but Inuyasha’s body was leaning against Kagome’s for support, his arm was also around her shoulders.



“I, never mind. Forget it.”

“Come on, you can tell me.” But Inuyasha just stopped walking. “What’s wrong Inuyasha?” Not a word he just stood there with his head facing the floor. “Inuyasha?” With one swift movement Inuyasha kissed Kagome. Kagome was shocked and fought off but Inuyasha held her tight, she eventually gave in. Kissing him back, this was her first kiss. She loved Inuyasha, she never thought he would feel the same as he felt for her, this was something she had been secretly wishing for ever since she fell in love with him. They were kissing but all of a sudden Kagome was infuriated and pushed away Inuyasha.

“What’s wrong? I thought you liked it.”

Kagome blushed “… I did,” she said shyly “BUT that’s not the point,” she was angry once more “How could you do this to me?”

“Do what Kagome?”

“You are dating Kikyo! That’s what!”

“No! I promise we broke up again.”

“But then am I just your rebound?”

“NO! No Kagome… I have feelings for you.”

“…You promise?”

“Promise.” Then Inuyasha threw up on the ground next to Kagome.

“UGH! Forgot you were drunk! YOU! You only did all this because you’re drunk! Can’t believe I thought…you know what, never mind I’m leaving! You can walk home yourself Inuyasha!” Kagome left home fruitlessly trying to fight off tears that were now escaping her eyes.




Um I know it was short but please leave comments on what you think thank you ^-^ oh and Taisho's job is working as the FBI if you could'nt figure it out.