Missing Stash by bug

Oh So Regretful

Disclaimer: I own nothing except for some terrible sarcasm.


She was looking through her bag, searching for something more valuable than gold… probably even more valuable than the jewel shards.

“Whereisit, whereisit, whereisit,” she mumbled to herself, though toward the end it sounded more like a whimper than anything.

“Kagome, what are you looking for?” Sango, her concerned friend, was getting progressively more worried, as the girl was throwing things behind her in haphazard sort of way with no concern for any poor soul who stood behind her.

“I can’t find my stash,” Kagome wailed, though it was muffled by the fact her head was somewhere inside the monstrosity she carried around.

At this one, simple, short sentence everyone in camp perked up, some for different reasons.  Sango, Miroku, and Shippo knew what a stash-lacking-Kagome was capable of.  Rin and Jaken were left wondering.  Inuyasha hadn’t returned from his tromp through the woods, and no one questioned the missing taiyoukai. 

When Kagome’s head finally popped out from her bag, everyone moved a little further from her, even the two ignorant to the situation.  Her face set and her aura expanding, she quickly found Inuyasha’s youki, and Sesshoumaru’s.  With her destination shining in her mind, she set out, heading toward Inuyasha, the most likely villain.

When she found him, he was lounging in a tree, high above her path. 

“Inuyasha… sit, boy!”

“Ow, shit… why’d you do THAT?” came up from the ground in record time.

“Where is my stash?” This was spoken very quietly, causing Inuyasha’s ears to lower.

“I don’t know, I didn’t do anything with it,” he mumbled back.

“You sure about that?” Her hands were on her hips at this point.

Her hanyou friend put his hands in his sleeves, “Yea, I’m sure.  I remember what happened last time I ate any of that stuff.”

Satisfied with his answer, she nodded, and then turned toward her next victim.  As Kagome approached the place Sesshoumaru sat, she could hear the very distinct sound of a wrapper crumbling, could see the occasional flash of said wrapper.  Finally, when she stepped around another tree she found a mound of wrappers sitting beside Sesshoumaru.

His hands and face covered in her beloved, and much needed stash.  She could almost taste her cherished chocolate. But no, someone, this someone, had decided to steal it from her; to take from her, her newly bought stash of high quality goodness in a wrapper.

Even though she was angry about her poor, unappreciated stash (because who can appreciate such amazingness when they scarf it down) when she looked at him, she couldn’t help but smirk.  She would have her payback and wouldn’t even have to lift a figure.

‘Serves him right,’ she thought, with crossed arms and a little “Hmph.”

You see, a few month back Inuyasha had been foolish enough to take one of her chocolate bars and eat the whole thing.  Problem is, due to his breeding, his body had a serious issue digesting said chocolate.  He was sick for a week.  This time though, a full-blooded inuyoukai had eaten not one bar, but seven. 

She couldn’t wait for her payback.