Mr. Mom by Teana

At least we have the clothes

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha.

Maybe he couldn’t do everything his wife did. One week ago Sesshoumaru had made the mistake of telling Kagome that she had the easy job of managing the house and kids and she needed to stop complaining. This morning she woke him up and told him that since he was on vacation she was going out for the day with friends and that she had lefts lists of the things that needed to be done today. That was at 6 this morning.
It was now 9 and already the kids had destroyed one wall with markers, he had ruined breakfast, which consisted of nothing more than cereal, and the washer now moved across the room when he tried to turn it on. He had managed to get their oldest on the bus and get everyone dress. Granted one of the girls was wearing a poke-a-dot skirt with pants and two different shoes, but she was wearing clothes.

AN: This is just a drabble collections. Updates will be random.