A Not so Obvious Truth by FaeHime

A Not So Obvious Truth

Kagome's eyes never wavered. After years in the feudal era, she had learned patience and determination paid off- and this time, it was going to help her with her thesis project. She had been studying her subject for months now, and was fascinated to no end by the discoveries she had made. As a graduate student going for her Masters in Behavioral Psychology, Kagome had been thrilled to realize that her friends, and even enemies, in the past were the perfect guinea pigs for the theorems and concepts she was learning in class.

And this youkai was to be her magnum opus.

Her fingers clenched an abused notebook and mechanical pencil on her lap as she continued her surveillance from the cover of the forest. Sweat beaded on her skin, but she ignored it in favor of observing the strange behavior of the youkai in the field. Glancing down briefly, she quickly jotted down:

Subject displays traits of ADD, possibly accompanied by an expressive language disorder~

Kagome scoffed silently at that last bit. 'It's hard to believe his vocabulary even extends further than "Die, InuYasha!", but lo and behold,  it does...'

A distant giggle brought her attention back to the present. Rin was chasing a butterfly around in circles. Kagome smiled at her antics, but when she turned her eyes back to her subject, the young woman had trouble keeping herself from bursting out in laughter. Sesshomaru, the current subject of her thesis, was in his natural form, doing one of the most undignified things she had ever seen him do.

And oh, the things she had seen.

Smothering her bodies reaction to the ridiculousness of the event, Kagome slowly backed into the trees to head back to camp. As she gained distance, the young woman snickered to herself. Seeing such a fearsome creature chase his tail, while hysterical behavior, was going to be difficult to translate into her thesis.