His Beautiful Sunrise by ~Smiling insanity~

His Beautiful Sunrise

What was a sunrise exactly? She guessed she could sum up a sunrise pretty easily after watching so many of them. A sunrise was the beginning of a new day when everything that had happened the day before was erased with a few slow moments of beauty. It was the time of day where the sky burst into bright and beautiful colors after having such a dark and cold night.

Of course everyone had their own personal view on sunrises, hers was just more complex.

To some it was just the sun rising in the morning and to others, people like her, who thought of it as a new beginning. A fresh new start that filled your heart with warmth and hope.

Kagome loved the sunrise, it was by far her favorite part of the day. It was one of the only moments of peace, in a time of such chaos.

She had also found that no matter where she was or what time she was in, there would always be a sunrise. Nothing could stop the sun from rising, not even if there was no one to see its beauty and wonder. It would be there no matter what.

To her it was like a slow burning fire in her soul that gave her strength to get through a new day. She just couldn't help but love it, it was one of the few things keeping her going.

Staring at the sky as the sun peaked up from the horizon slowly, she watched as beautiful colors weaved in and out of each other like a secret dance. A dance that many have watched but never understood.

Could one ever really and truly understand the significance of a sunrise? Sure they had scientific explanations of why sunrises happen but did they really understand the special meaning that a sunrise expressed.

The feeling of hope you got after watching one, the feeling of warmth and of strength. But I guess it just took a special person to understand a sunrise like she did.

It took a person who lived through a lot to understand why every sunrise was important. A person who waited for that one moment in time that everything would suddenly be okay, if only for a few quick moments. A person like her.

"It's beautiful isn't it." She said, it being more of a statement than a question. Turning back slightly she smiled warmly at Sesshomaru, who was reclining against a tree. Sesshomaru stared at her for a second and for an instance she watched his eyes sparkle with warmth, before his usual stoic mask was put in place.

Kagome watched the sunrise for a few more seconds before standing and dusting herself off. "Well I guess I should really get back to camp before InuYasha comes looking for me, and I have to sit him for having a cow." She giggled to herself silently as she got ready to set off towards the village.

She paused to look at the sky one last time before slinging her big yellow backpack over her shoulder, and headed towards the old worn path that led to the village.

Sesshomaru ignored her weird comment, deciding he rather watch her retreating form disappear into the distance. Not looking back towards the sky he watched the speck in the distance get smaller and smaller until it was completely gone "Beautiful indeed." He said as he walked back to the village thinking of the only thing he knew more beautiful than the sunrise.

Of course he would never tell her that, he was the great and powerful Sesshomaru after all. But sometimes he just couldn't help but think she was more like a sunrise than she would ever know.

She rose to any challenge no matter what, even when the night before had been long and hard. She was just as beautiful, if not more, and changed emotions just like sunrises changed colors. She was his colorful, warm, and strong sunrise. The most beautiful sunrise he ever hoped to wake up every morning too. After all he was Sesshomaru and Sesshomaru always got what he wanted, and today he wanted his sunrise.

And by Kami he was going to get it.