The Princess Warrior by TorturedRomance

The Attack

“If you believe in Gods, you believe in demons. They are our Yin and Yang.”

Two days ago

     “It's such a beautiful day isn't it,” she said to no one in particular but herself. The children were playing in the springs nearby. “Come on children, the sun is setting. We must head back before it get to dark.”

      Right then there was a loud shriek. “Kagome-chan behind you.”

      Kagome turned around and nearly fainted. Behind her was at least a thousand of demons. And these demons weren't just weaker demons she had experience with, but demons that seemed to have the same amount of strength of the demons in her father's army.

      She could probably take one down, but it would be of no use. She was beginning to become more and more worried. 'I can't let them get to the children. Protect the children.'

     And with that thought Kagome unleashed all the power she had...

~Later that night in the her private quarters~

     “What were they after,” Kagome asked.

     “You know what they were after,” Bankotsu said.

     “But how will they know?”

     “We have a traitor among us,” Lard Takku finally said. Though he couldn't believe it.

      “Father surely one of our people wouldn't do this to us,” Kagome couldn't believe it either. Why would any of their people do this? They treated them with respect and no one was ever forced to do anything they didn't want to do.

      “I don't know why, but you can't stay here.” Kagome began to wake speak up, but her father interrupted. “They are after you, but you haven't had time to fully learn to protect yourself.”

      “I can fight,” she interjected.

      “Darling we know you can fight, but you don't know how to fully use your spiritual powers.”

      “What of all the children?''

      “They would go to our safe haven where they would be safe and protected.”

      “And where would I go?”

      “To the Land of the West...”

The Present

     Inutashio was heading to the receiving room of his compound when he stopped to look out at one of the clearings by his home. It was neat and tidy, the way he demanded it be kept by his servants. After all a great kingdom deserves nothing, but the best. His men were known as some of the greatest warriors and and with them as guards his grounds were impenetrable.


     What was different was the lack of children and unusual quiet morning of his lands. It was because of the special visitor that was visiting his home.

     Normally, visitors didn't stop the regular routines of his people, but when that person may be a threat. Some activities must be altered.

     Inutashio hated to think of an old friend, and former ally as an threat. But he had to be cautious for the sake of his people after the recent incident. He had no idea why there was an attack on Lord Takku's lands, and quite frankly it was not his business. Though in this case, when there was as many demons as said  in the invasion and all the demons were destroyed, but not one of his people were injured; he had never heard of such power.

     "Lord Takku is awaiting you," one of his guards informed him as he neared the receiving room room.

     As they opened the doors Takku stood, “It's great to see an old friend.”

     “So it is, but I must ask. Why?”

     “I am sure you heard what happened,” Lord Takku begun, getting straight to business. “I need you to house one of my children. They are currently training, but need a safe place to do so.”

     “Of course I will house him.” Inutashio wasn't sure why, but he knew this had to be of great importance if he was asking this of him. And after what Takku did for him, when he helped during the battle of his lands, he couldn't turn him down. It was the fiercest battle ever fought in history and a great deal of his and Takku's men died. So he was honor bound, but even if he wasn't he couldn't turn down a man that was like a brother to him in many ways.


    “I cannot let let you do this without telling you first. What they were after was my child,” Takku begin. Though he seemed reluctant to continue, “... He was blessed by the Kamis to have great spiritual power and it is known that if you posses him. You will have the greatest power.” After a sudden pause he added, “ You have to know that this may cause a war. One that I will not ask for help in, but one where you may need to fight if others find out where he is.”

     “If they invade my lands, I will protect him,” added Inutashio.

Later that night

     “The plan has been set,” Bankostu informed Kagome.

     “Are you okay with this Bankotsu?”

      “What pretending to be the powerful child of Lord Takku and commanding you and my 'servants' around,” Bankostu joked.


      “You know that's not what I mean. If you pretend to be me you will be putting yourself in danger. They would be after you, should they turn on us,” said Kagome.

       “No. I would be with you should they turn on us. Besides can't you be happy that you get to escape your duties as princess and train.” He stopped before sullenly adding, “Act like me... a useless guard.”

      “You have to stop feeling guilty about the attack. I was able to handle myself. I'm awesome after all.” Kagome tried to joke, but he only seem to get even more serious.

      “Kagome you and those kids could have been killed. I should have been there. I am your protector. What if something had happened to you?”

       But before Kagome could reassure him Sango interrupted him, “It's time.”

      “Lets move,” Jakotsu commanded. And with that Kagome, Bankotsu, Sango, Jakotsu and Akihiko left for the western lands.



 At the Western Lands

     “Why am I even here? I don't care about a grown man you will be babysitting,” Inuyasha complained.

     “Inuyasha it's only respectful for the head of the household to greet guests that will be staying with us for an extended time,” informed Inutashio. “And you're wrong, I will not be 'babysitting' as you say, you will. With Sesshomaru of course.

      At that Sesshomaru raised his brow. “I have duties of my own.”

    “Don't worry, you'll have Inuyasha.” Just then Bankotsu and his “guards” walked in. “Ah, you must be our guest of honor. I am Inu no Tashio and these are my sons Sesshomaru and Inuyasha.”

     “I am Bankotsu and these are my guards. I must thank you for your generosity and we hope not to be much trouble,” Bankotsu bowed and greeted.

     “Do not worry yourself about being any trouble. My people can handle anything. I know you must be in need of rest. Sesshomaru will show you to the wing you and your guards will be staying in.”

       When Inutashio motioned for Sesshomaru, Sesshomaru couldn't help but eye the guard on Bankotsu's right. 'A female? And not just one, but two females?' He thought that women were more like house bound pets, not fighting warriors.

       Sesshomaru will later find that that was far from the case when those cerulean eyes looked at him for the first time.

Author’s Note: Please review if there is something that needs to be changed. And I don't own Inuyasha.