Spell It Out by koneji


Title: Ensorcell

Theme: Dokuga’s April Round Robin Drabble/Drawble Night

Genre: Romance

Rating: T

Warnings: None

Prompt: Ensorcell. Verb - Definition: To enchant; to bewitch

Word Count: 100 words

Disclaimer: Regretfully, I don’t own any of the Inuyasha plot or characters, nor do I make any profit from this. I can dream stuff up like my plots though…*runs away cackling madly*



She didn’t know how it happened. She can’t even stop now.

She fell too far. Fell too fast. And far too much.

‘Cross my heart and hope to die; Stick a needle in my eye’

The idiom echoed in Kagome’s head, but it made sense to her.

‘I pray my heart is protected, and if not then this I cross to place a targeting mark upon my heart. I pray that someone will spare me and put me out of my dark misery. I was unaware, when he caught my eyes.

I was foolish to ever be blinded by love.’



No worries, it won’t be as sad as this first one. I just had this one wrap itself around my ankles until I wrote it out =P

And in addition to that, Happy Easter to everyone!

So tell me what you think! Reviews are appreciated! They are the life giving blood for an authoress' spirit~ *smile*