Puzzle Pieces by MissKatt


Disclaimer: All Inuyasha goodness belongs to the amazing Takahashi-san!

Puzzle Pieces

By MissKatt


Sesshoumaru stared down at his ebony beauty, momentarily shocked at her actions. They had not touched like this since before her accident. Regretting that he was taking up time, he quickly folded his arms around her, holding her form against him.

“You do not have to thank me, Kagome.” He said softly, before resting his chin on her head.

She felt butterflies swarm in her stomach at the way her name sounded as it rolled off tongue. She was about to ask him to say it again, but her body stiffened as she began to remember another snippet of them. 

Word Count: 100

Prompt: Regret

MissKatt’s Prompt Challenge: Theme: New Years