Clash of Alphas by sarhea

Riku Ryuu's Prompt - Rain

~ooO Rain Ooo~

Kagome walked quickly, occasionally glancing up at the overcast night sky. The first droplet hit her nose before being followed by a slight drizzle. Then the small droplets turned into large ones. She began running, hoping to reach the shrine before it turned into a downpour. She wished she had accepted the umbrella from Ayumi, but she had honestly thought she could make it home before it began raining. Maybe she should have accepted the offer of a lift back. But she hadn’t wanted to hang around when Mariko started bringing out the hard liquor. Kagome wasn’t a teetotaller but she was too wary to risk getting drunk in a crowd of near-strangers.

Her hair and dress were wet and clinging to her skin. Water was sliding down her back and between her breasts uncomfortably. She hurried up the massive stone shrine steps. Once she reached the top she ran full out for the house. It took a second, fumbling with the key and lock to get inside and out of the rain. The sequin-encrusted knee-length purple dress was cold and clinging uncomfortably to every curve.

Quickly, Kagome tugged down the zippers of her knee-high spiky bitch boots and stepped out of the fashionable but toe crunching footwear. Carefully she set them on the rubber mat to dry before running up the stairs. With Kaa-san and Jii-jii off visiting another shrine and Souta having a sleepover at his friends house, she didn’t have to worry about using up all the hot water.
