Clash of Alphas by sarhea

Riku Ryuu's Prompt - Wings

~ooO Wings Ooo~

The miko sighed and relaxed back in her mate’s arms around her. She loved flying with Sesshoumaru. The ride was smoother than any airplane and the view was spectacular. She was very happy he had agreed to indulge her by travelling on his youki cloud to reach Bokusenou’s grove. They could travel much faster in his orb but it was impossible to relax and enjoy the experience of being compressed by so much power. The only thing that would be better was having her own wings so she could fly.

“I wish I had wings to fly,” she said wistfully studying the changing landscape far below them.

The daiyoukai looked down upon his mate and wanted to indulge her desires, to make her smile brightly at him.

“This one cannot give you wings but he can try to teach you how to travel as he does,” he told her.

She looked up at him perplex. “What do you mean?”

“With training you might be able to generate an energy cloud like this one, to hover and rise by your own power.”

Her eyes widened in awe. “Could I really? I thought this cloud thing was something only youkai could do.”

“It is something beings of power can do,” he corrected her. “This one has never seen another as strong as you.”

Her lips curved in a faint smile as her mind wandered on the possibilities of flying like Sesshoumaru.
