Dancing In My Tears by *~*Missy*~*

A Mysterious Ride

Chapter One: A Mysterious Ride

Kagome was a simple girl really, she liked to go out with her best friend Sango and she enjoyed spending time with her boyfriend. Her sister and her were as close as could be. She and Kikyo's father had died when they were very young so the two girls and there mother were all very close. She believed that everyone was inherently good and tried to help everyone that she could.

But facts were facts when it came down to it. Her boyfriend was a jerk, he called her 'wench' all of the time and didn't appreciate anything she did for him. He openly flirted with her sister when she was around and Kagome saw this, saw this and said nothing. She was demure, sweet and loving. She forgave Inu-Yasha for all of his transgressions and he never asked her to, not even once. That was love, and surely she was in love with Inu-Yasha, she had been for as long as she could remember now. Sango, well she was more busy with her lecherous boyfriend Miroku than anything and she hardly had time for her best friend, so when Kagome had time with her she didn't want to spend it complaining; so her friend never knew of how she felt. And her sister, well although they were close, they held love for one another. But her father's death had hit her sister hard, and as the years progressed she spiraled downwards. Kagome truly believe that if she had not been Kikyo's sister that Kikyo would have tried to sleep with Inu-Yasha. She loved her sister, but she needed a lot of help, help that she wouldn't allow Kagome to give her.

Thoughts of her life were in her head this morning, she heard grumbling as Inu-Yasha rolled over beside of her, they were both naked, he had forced himself upon her once again last night. Kagome knew it was terrible but she couldn't remember the last time that she willingly had sex. He's just frustrated, it isn't his fault. He works so hard and is under so much stress. And its my own fault anyway, he wouldn't be so rough, so mean, if I would just give him what he wanted. If I didn't stress him out so much. Totally my fault.

Kagome silently slipped out of bed and into the shower. She felt the familiar tears of loneliness slip down her face, she was surrounded by people, yet she always felt so alone. She slipped back into the room and put on a short black silk skirt and a black button up shirt. She slipped on some heels, grabbed her purse, and walked out the door. She walked out to where she worked, Tashio Corporation, Tokyo's largest corporation, and it was only a seven minute walk from her house. She absentmindedly worried about Inu-Yasha and Kikyo, her sister did live with them, she wondered if she could trust him. I must be crazy! He's my boyfriend and he loves me! What a terrible girlfriend I am, questioning his loyalty. She berated herself and hurried along. She walked in the door, thankful that she had put her hair up in an intricate up-do, a couple strands snaked out and framed her beautiful blue eyes. A slight flush appeared on her otherwise pale skin. As she walked in she was greeted by the receptionist.

“Hey Kagome!”

“Hey Ayamae, how's it going?”

“Fine. The papers that you wanted and the ones that Mr. Tashio wanted you to file are on your desk as well.”

“Thank you dear.” Kagome said and quickly walked down the hall to her office. She pulled off her jacket, sat it on the back of her chair and sat down, she put on some soft trance music on her computer and began to look at the files. Some of it was just a report that needed typed up, this was from Mr. Tashio. She decided to work on this first. She began her work, her music helped her focus.

Before long the report was done and it was time to start looking at the papers that she had asked Ayamae to get for her. She was looking at different places, places closer to her work and one bedroom apartments at that. She just wanted to have a backup plan, just in case things went wrong. She made a good amount of money over at Tashio Corp. Inu-Yasha took all of her money that he could get his hands on, but she had a separate account that she deposited money into the second she was paid. By now she had a decent bit of money saved up. These apartments were very nice, gorgeous even, Ayamae did an excellent job. And what's more they were affordable for her. She would be able to still save money after she paid everything.

There was a few more hours of work she had to do, just miscellaneous little things that didn't take very long at all. She checked in on her superior, Kouga and he sent her on a little list of missions. Before she knew it it was the end of her shift and she was glad for it. She pulled her hair out of the elaborate bun and it fell down past her shoulders, it had slight wave to it as well, a dark raven black color that seemed midnight blue in certain lights.

“I will see you tomorrow then, Ayamae.” Kagome smiled. “Thank you so much for those papers by the way, you did an amazing job.”

“Oh thank you Kagome, I try, you are such a dear.” Ayamae smiled.

“Not a problem dear.” Kagome said as she waved, walked outside, and slipped on her jacket.

Once she was outside she frowned. Oh, it's raining...I have all the luck don't I? But standing here isn't going to get me home any sooner, onward Hirugashi. Kagome started the walk home unhappily, suddenly she saw something pull up on her side.

“You, girl, get in.” An ice cold voice said as a long finger gestured for her to come in the vehicle.

“Um...I think I'm okay, thank you.” Kagome said nervously. “I don't accept rides from strangers.”

“What about CEO’s? Do accept rides from those.” He said as he poked his head out of the window with a smirk on his face.

“Oh...Mr. Tashio. Forgive me, I was not trying to be rude, but one can not be too careful out here nowadays.”

“Oh to be sure. Get in Hirugashi, I will give you a ride to your residence.” His manner was so cold, so aloof.

“Alright.” Kagome said as she got in the limo. Why is he doing this for me? He never does anything for anyone. The limo took off again and she stared at her hands that were folded in her lap. “Thank you.” She whispered.

“No need. I cannot have one of my best employees catching their death now can I?”

Best? I hardly think so, sir. I do my job, I try hard to be good at what I do, but you have many employees and surely the higher-ups are much better than I.” Kagome said, she was surprised at his praise, especially since this was the first time she had seen her boss in person.

“You succeed at being good at what you do, however Kagome, you unlike any of the higher-ups; have never bothered to ask for advancement. You seem content doing your job, and you're driven, it is a quality I desire in my workers.” He said, he was cold, so cold. But why was he telling her all this, surely this was more open than her boss had ever been. He hardly spoke to employees yet here he was holding a conversation with her and giving her a ride home.

“You honor me, Mr. Tashio.” Kagome said as she looked up. “Oh, this is my stop.”

“Driver.” He said as the limo quickly stopped.

“Thank you again.”

“It is not a problem.” He said as she exited and hurried into her apartment.


After some careful consideration from Luna I have revised my chapters, thank you dear for the advise. I am also looking for a beta reader/editor, please message me if you interested and remember Reviews help me get the chapters out much faster :)


-Your Faithful Servant-

Mistress of Rave