Now Serving: Love by Fluff and Smut

Dish One: Reluctance

Hi there! This is Theia and Lilli on our permanent joint account. All of our future collaborations will be posted here and we thank you for taking enough interest in our debut joint story to click and read! We worked on this cute, fluffy drabble story together and will continue to work on this together until it is completed! We want to give a shout-out to LUNA, who wrote the summary for us. We hope you enjoy this wild ride!

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Sesshoumaru disbelievingly looked at the young woman standing in front of him from over the sushi counter as she stared back at him with innocent sapphire eyes. He blinked and she mimicked his action, still grinning and looking at him expectantly. He slanted his eyes over to Miroku, who stood beside him, blatantly gawking as he completely forgot to continue serving his hungry customers.

“The food is getting cold!” Sesshomaru barked at Miroku, who had the decency to wince as he quickly picked up the waiting tray to deliver a sushi plate to the impatient customer. The tuna that Sesshoumaru was prepping for the spicy tuna roll were chopped with more gusto than necessary, the knife clacking rhythmically against the board on the counter.

“Do you have any experience?” He asked without looking at her, scooping the chopped fish into a mixing container.


Sesshoumaru looked at her sharply, eyes narrowing in irritation. “Then no, we are not hiring.”

“Sesshoumaru-sama!” Rin whispered, nudging him with an elbow. “Ever since Ayame quit a few days ago in order to move to Switzerland with her boyfriend, we’ve been shorthanded. Give her a chance. Just hire her.”

He slid his eyes over to her for the briefest of moments before returning his attention to his knife work, but she hadn’t been fazed by his glare. “Look, Sesshomaru-sama, I know you hate new people, especially hiring new people, but you need to do it.’”

It was true, but he was too stubborn to do it. He hated new people, especially people he didn’t know, messing around in his territory. Make no mistake, this restaurant was his territory and nobody else’s. Anybody that worked here was directly subordinate to him, and he demanded the best. Being the best was the only reason he had made it as far as he had in the restaurant industry, especially at such a young age.

He ground his teeth together and finally looked at his adopted daughter again. “Fine. Just this once... but she is under your supervision. Any of her failures will be placed on your shoulders, Rin.”

“Thanks Sesshomaru-sama!” Rin chirped, and quickly ushered Kagome into the kitchen, handing her an apron on the way in.

Not two minutes after Rin re-appeared in the dining area, did they hear a resounding crash in the kitchen.

“My bad!” they heard her call out from behind the doors.

Sesshomaru only chopped the fish in front of him all the harder with narrowed eyes and thinned lips, listening to Rin’s nervous giggle beside him.

Word Count: 424