Last Night by SunsetMiko


For Riku Ryuu's Random Prompts: Chains

"Weren't you confused? I mean, why did you guys let me act like that? Why didn't anyone try to stop me?"

"I was enjoying myself far too much to stop you," Sesshoumaru admitted. "I had been waiting for you to pay attention to me for far too long to interfere. The others, I do not know. I suspect the monk was enjoying the show as well." He chuckled when Kagome blushed brightly. "And the hanyou, he was too stunned to move."

"Men. What about Sango?"

"She was far too embarrassed to intervene. Besides, I doubt anything could have stopped you, short of being physically restrained. Would you really have preferred for us to tie you up?"

"Rather than letting me dry hump you out of nowhere? Maybe."

"Dry hump?" he repeated, only to chuckle when Kagome buried her face in his moko-moko out of embarrassment.

"That's it. I want you to forget everything that happened last night. Just wipe it from your mind."

Sesshoumaru chuckled again. "I assure you that is not possible. Besides, why would you want me to forget the best night of my life so far?"

"Really?" she asked in surprise. "I take off my shirt, sit on your lap a little, dance a little, and it's the best night of your life? Man, your life must have really sucked then, huh?"

"That is not all you did," he purred. "My story is not yet finished."