Last Night by SunsetMiko


The next couple of entries are from Riku Ryuu's Random Prompts on the Dokuga forums.

Trouble - 207

It took the wolf a moment to wrap his head around what had just been said, but once he did, he didn't hesitate to ruin the tender moment happening right in front of him. He didn't understand it and he sure as hell didn't like it!

"Like hell!" Kouga yelled. "She's my woman. Mine! I laid my claim nearly two years ago! Just because she hasn't accepted it yet doesn't mean she doesn't belong to me." His voice had started as an angry yell, but had quickly devolved into a vicious snarl.

He'd been growing tired of waiting. No, growing wasn't the right word. He'd been tired of waiting after the first few weeks. Now he was closing in on the end of his patience. He would never force her, wanted her to love him and accept his claim of her own volition, but that didn't mean he couldn't change their situation. He'd been figuring out how to keep himself in her presence, sure that if they spent enough time together that she'd get over her hesitance and take her place by his side, like she was meant to.

At that, everyone but Kagome and Sesshoumaru took three large steps back. Kouga was in serious trouble now.