Masterminds by Sophie


Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha

Author's Note: I would like to inform that I'm not taking beta to this story. If you see some mistake you're welcome to point it, but tell me how should I correct it. I'm trying to improve my grammar, so cross your fingers for me. Now enjoy!

Prompt: Secret
Words: 100

„Check mate."

A student moaned over his loss and the man smirked secretly at yet another victory. From the side he heard how the others tried to cheer the boy up. Well, he shouldn't have started it. After all everyone knew, he was unconquerable in chess. Or, at least, he thought so…

"I bet I can win in the first match." Sesshoumaru's head snapped up, his eyes locking with a pair of daring, blue eyes.

"You are?"

"Higurashi Kagome. Pleased to meet you," replied the woman sitting opposite him. "So" she continued, leaning on her hands, "do you accept?"
