Jungle Love by raindancer13

Poisoned Bananas??

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha. Therefore I do not own Sesshy either.  *sniffles*

Leaping from limb to limb her dark tresses flying behind her as she went. Someone was here. Someone was invading her territory. She was curious as to who. She was curious as to why. Why were they here? And what did they want?

Sesshomaru was glad to be off that accursed ship. It was far to crowded for his taste. The crew was tired from a long six months at sea and they desperately needed to bathe. He sent the men to the nearest hot spring to get washed up and then they were to build a respectable camp for them to spend the month in. He himself would wander down to the hot springs to bathe in peace later that night. He began walking the area to get some alone time. After being trapped on a ship for six months with three dozen dirty men, diminishing food and water supplies, and a limited amount of patience was not going to get them any farther than a few more weeks. Before he decided to kill someone.

Sesshomaru walked through the forest searching for various veggitation to stock up on until they reach the next port. He kept throwing glances over his shoulder. Someone or something was watching him. He would discover who.

She watched him. He was a strange sort of creature. He had eyes that were yellow like the sun and hair that was as white as the moon. And he had a strange sort of covering to conceal his body. She looked down at her own tattered furs. She wouldn't even begin to know what his coverings were made of. She cocked her head as he began making some sort of gutteral sound. Was... was he growling? Her blue eyes widened and her fingers twitched on her bow.  She reached into her quiver and pulled out an arrow. He was dangerous. There was something... Animalistic about him. She could hear his growling under his breath. Something about being followed. He knew she was there?

Sesshomaru was looked up and noticed a bunch of bananas. A rarity in these seas. He crouched down into a springing positions and launched himself up into the tree snatching the bananas. His crew would enjoy these. He glanced back over his shoulder noticing that his display did not frighten off the prescense that continued to plague him. His patience reaching it's end he finally turned to where he felt the entity and snarled.

"Who are you? I demand that you show yourself."

She stared at the moon-haired man. Was he speaking? She didn't understand the noises coming out of his mouth. However she did understand his snarl. He was angry. She growled back in response.

"Who are you?" She growled. "Why are you in my territory?" The moon-haired man seemed a bit suprised to actually get an answer.

"Show yourself." He was growling his answers now. Obviously this entity did not speak common.

The moon-haired man had demanded that she show herself. She sat back on her heels trying to make up her mind if she should or not.

"Show yourself or I will find you." He had snarled. He was getting impatient and was tiring quickley of this game. He heard a rustle of leaves and what stepped out was definitly was not was he expected. A woman with raven black hair, midnight blue eyes, pale white skin that was, though, regretably dirty, unblemished, and legs that went on forever. She was in a word, gorgeous. Sesshomaru had never seen a woman so beautiful. And so uncivilized. She wore nothing but pelts of black fur and held up a makeshift bow and arrow cautiously. He smirked inwardly. Apparently she thought she could hurt him. She stood straight and tall and held a cautious but curious glint in her eyes. Her bow and arrow at the ready she nodded her head towards the bananas in his hand. Sesshomaru found himself holding them up so she could see them better.

The woman shook her head and motioned for him to throw them away.

"Poison." She growled. She lowered her weapons and scaled a tree that was a few feet away. He looked at the bananas wondering why or even how they would be poison. He heard something flying through the air at him and he dropped the bananas to catch it. It was a strange purple fruit the he did not recognize. A few more were headed his way and he caught them easily. The woman dropped to the ground before him and took one of the fruit from him. "Better." She purred. "Good." She took a bite letting the juice dripped down her chin. She handed him the fruit motioning for him to taste as well. He stared her, slightly disgusted by her lack of manners but took the fruit and bit off a chunk in a clean place. The juice seemed to pour into his mouth in an explosion of flavor. It was delicious. He stared at her as he chewed. Such new things in such a short time.