Trouble Sleeping by Oroyukae

Hanyou Induced Insomnia

Kagome made her way through the darkened house, unsure of her direction and praying to any god that might be listening that she did not trip over something as she searched for the sofa. It was more than a bit frustrating, the darkness seemed so very thick and heavy; she found herself actually offering complaint in regard to her youkai hosts and their ability to see in the damned dark. Honestly, would it kill anyone to leave the drapes open or maybe a dim nightlight on in order for those who didn't have night vision to find their way around?

When her knees encountered the object that she had been looking for, Kagome said a small, silent cheer of triumph. In her condition there was no way that she could ever manage the stairs that would lead her to the room designated as being hers for the duration of her stay. Besides, if she went up there, she would be subjected to having to listen to Yasha and his girlfriend going at it; which was not exactly something that she particularly looked forward to in all honesty.

Plopping down onto the oversized cushion, a loud sigh escaped her; she had made it to the sofa, now all she had to do was locate the damned remote for the television. If she kept the volume low and the subtitles on, she wouldn't disturb anyone that might be sleeping, despite the noises coming from the second floor of the massive house. Really, why didn't Kikyo put up a damned barrier to dull the noise; no one but Inuyasha needed to hear her shriek like that. If not for the fact that her own apartment was being painted and therefore, uninhabitable for another two days so that the smell could dissipate, Kagome would have somewhere else to go that did not have her being forced into a live audio re-enactment of some b-grade porno.

Now, Kagome was not a prude; in fact she was quite comfortable with the subject of sex to be honest. The thing was that all the moans, groans, and shouts had begun to have a dangerous effect on her; effects that she could do absolutely nothing about since she was a guest there. With her friend's elder brother, Sesshoumaru, sleeping in the room down the hall from the one she had been assigned, she couldn't alleviate some of those effects without the guy being made aware of what she was doing. His was a scent and sound oriented species; he would have discovered her actions in a heartbeat – seeing how she was never really adept at holding a spell and indulging in such things at the same time. So, Kagome had been forced to seek refuge in the lower level of the house in the hopes of lessening the volume of those damned sounds.

It worked, to a degree, because the couple's embellished enthusiastic responses had died down a smidge; however, it little to relief her...frustrations though. Before heading downstairs the young woman had tried to stop the mental images that decided to run through her head, but she failed miserably. Flashes of her, as naked as the day that she was born, walking into that extremely attractive Inu male's bedroom in open invitation for him to douse the fire that burned inside her had appeared inside her head; they were so very tempting, each and every last one of them. The things that she envisioned him doing to her little human body would definitely earn her a severe tongue lashing if Sesshoumaru were to ever know about them. The guy had a thing about humans and demons laying together like that...much to her dismay.

For the sake of all parties, Kagome made the decision to ride out the remainder of Inuyasha and Kikyo's little love fest in a place where the decadent treat known as Sesshoumaru was not the temptation to her. Being turned down by a guy like Sesshoumaru would completely obliterate her still so young and fragile ego.  

From out of the shadows a voice she knew well resonated as if all around her – startling the poor girl and damned near gave her a heart attack. “Miko, what are you doing wandering around at this hour? Should you not be sleeping?”

“Oh gods!” she exclaimed, startled by the deep baritone voice of Yasha's older brother, Sesshoumaru. Despite the fact that they were sitting in the guy's home, Kagome could not help but wonder why the Daiyoukai was down there in the living room at such an ungodly hour. One rarely saw Sesshoumaru outside of his room after ten-thirty. “You scared the hell out of me.”

It then occurred to her that the jerk was likely to have seen her attempt to fumble her way across the freaking room, in the dark; so, why then, didn't he offer to assist her?  Not well known for being able to hold her tongue when miffed, Kagome instantly deemed it necessary to ask the guy why he had failed to help her out.“If you were sitting here all this time, why didn't you turn on the light?”The girl just knew that the guy had an amused smirk on his face over her reaction, for that was just the kind of jerk Sesshoumaru was and his response only proved that too.

“Your attempts to maneuver through the darkness were highly...entertaining.” Despite the words, that voice held not a smidgeon of amusement; such was the being's way, for Sesshoumaru always spoke in a monotone manner that gave others the impression that the guy was perpetually bored with everyone and everything.

Kagome made no attempt to conceal her reaction to the Daiyoukai's finding humor in watching her damn near trip and fall while making her way through the room. She knew that Sesshoumaru had been able to see her and it angered her a bit that he would opt to remain silent when she could have become injured, should she have fallen; there were many objects in that room that would have seriously hurt her if she had struck them on her way down to the floor. “Ha-ha, funny. So, why are you sitting here in the dark? You should be in bed too, you know?”

With a slight growl of annoyance, Sesshoumaru shifted upon the couch yet again, curious as to what gave her the impression that he had to explain anything that he did, in his own house, to her. Yet, despite the outrage for her audacity, the young male opted to answer her anyway,“I could not rest with that racket going on. The hanyou seems to be trying to impress someone with his so-called prowess, and it is rather revolting to my sensitive ears.”

“Oh...well, my ears aren't as sensitive as yours are, but I found it to be rather unnecessary too. I mean, really; do they have to announce their activities to the whole damned house?”

“If it were anyone else, I might be inclined to say that the female finds her partner's ability to please her quite extraordinary. However, seeing that it involves my sibling...I'd say that someone is definitely embellishing just to spare a certain hanyou's male pride.”

Oh, that was mean...” she giggled, her eyes dancing with amusement.

“But it is undeniably true – ask any female that has ever had the misfortune of laying with that inexperienced whelp, and they will confirm what I have said,” he sniffed, his arms crossing his chest. As if in direct confirmation to what he said, the muted shouts of his brother's overly dramatic plaything sounded out inside the house.

'Harder, you beast; fuck me harder!'

That particular phrase made the demon come close to snorting with repressed amusement to be honest about it – being one who possessed an inner primal self that was often referred to as a 'beast'. Honestly, if his younger half-demon sibling had any sort of beast to speak of, there would be no calling out demands to go 'harder'...or 'faster' either for that matter. Frankly put, the bitch would be pleading for her partner to ease up instead. 

Kagome giggled once more, despite how objectionable she found Sesshoumaru's assessment of his little brother's sexual activities. “You just love teasing him, Sesshoumaru; that is what elder sibling's do after all.”

“Do they?” Sesshoumaru eyed her critically, sweeping her slight form several times without her being aware that he was doing it at all. Such was the benefit of being a demon that could see in the dark; it was a benefit that he rather enjoyed taking advantage of on a frequent basis. “Have you ever had the displeasure, miko?”

Wh-what?” Where on earth did that come from, she wondered silently.

“Have you ever lain with the hanyou?” He sounded so casual about asking her if she had fucked his younger brother, like it was the most natural thing in the world.

“W-well...once, after senior prom,” she admitted, not understanding why she felt so damned embarrassed or just why her eyes seemed intent on darting around the room as if they could really see something.

“Was it your first sexual encounter?” the demon continued on, fully aware that he was confusing the human girl with his questions. However, Sesshoumaru did not care one bit in the least.

“That's a little personal, don't you think?” Why did she find it necessary to rub the back of her neck just then? Because he was making her very nervous and somewhat uncomfortable with their topic of discussion, that was why.

In the past, Sesshoumaru had never displayed an interest in her outside of the subject of her being closely associated with his family since she was a teenager. While it had been kind of insulting to her, for many different reasons, she had always been okay with it; he rarely showed an interest in anyone really, so it wasn't like she had been the only one. So, why after all this time, had he developed a need to inquire about things that she honestly could not say was his business to know?  

Although the girl could not see it, one lone eyebrow raised rather precariously as he persisted in his line of questioning, and Sesshoumaru was not about to bring it to her attention either.. Kagome was not some pubescent teen who held the status of being virginal; were she that, he would be able to scent such upon her, for that was one scent that was unmistakable. No; the raven haired young woman sitting there in the dark with him was far from being as innocent as she tried to make herself out to be. “We are both adults here, so there is no need for childish theatrics involving false modesty. I only asked so that I can have an idea as to whether or not you had something to compare it to. I have heard that not many females can deem their very first experience as satisfying or rewarding.”

Even though her mind silently shrieked in outrage over his audacity in asking her such a personal thing, Kagome's mouth apparently had decided that he deserved an honest answer to his question. Just why that was, she honestly had no freaking clue. “, it wasn't my first time; but it was only my second.”

The young Inu inclined his head in acknowledgment, though he was the only one who was aware that he had done it, and opted to remain silent for a time. In said silent moments, he considered asking her how she had found her rut with the hanyou; whether or not she could offer rebuttal to his statement that the boy was sadly lacking between the sheets. Why he wanted to know, the Daiyoukai could not really say, but for some unknown reason, the desire to hear her answer burned hot inside his mind. Finally, Sesshoumaru gave in and cleared his throat - preparing to, diplomatically, ask the girl for the information he seemed to require from her.

Unfortunately the guy fell a bit short in diplomacy with his inquiry, “How was it?”

Kagome did not realize that the demon sitting down the sofa from her could see the deep blush that rose to her cheeks, for she was a bit embarrassed to tell the guy that he had, in fact, been right...her evening with Yasha had not been what she had anticipated it to be. Oh, he had not disappointed her, per se, but it had been nothing to make her want to tell her girlfriends about.

“Never mind, girl; your unwillingness to answer me says it all. I believe that I  have proven my point to satisfaction,” the smug Inu replied with an air of finality, clearly marking his victory in the entire conversation.

“, what were you going to do – watch a movie to drown out the noise that I know you can still hear?” Gods, how she hoped that her little attempt to change the subject worked, for Sesshoumaru was beginning to make her a little uncomfortable with his questions in regard to her past with his little brother. For the life of her, she just could not understand just why he was so interested; it wasn't as if she and Sesshoumaru had ever really associated with one another beyond the parameters of him being closely related to Inuyasha and living in the same house as the half-demon to boot. Other than that, she and the Inu hardly ever spoke at all, yet here he was asking her intrusive questions regarding something like that? It made no damned sense at all.

If only she knew the true reason the young demon decided to leave the confines of his room and venture down the stairs to sit in the dark living room, by himself...Kagome would most likely flee from the room, if not the house itself. The fact was that his kind were auditory beings and the noise s from the hanyou and his companion had begun to have a rather curious effect on him; one that directly involved the oblivious little human girl sitting not but a foot or two from him at that very minute. For the better part of a year, Sesshoumaru had developed a mild attraction to the girl Inuyasha called his friend, and it was that which literally forced him to venture down to the living room in the first place. It had not been easy on him, having her room on the same floor as his and Sesshoumaru had deemed it necessary to distance himself from that door as much as was possible, lest he succumb and do something that could never ever be undone.

Now, here she was, in the same room as him, in her tiny pink robe, with her legs on open display... he found himself fighting that same damned battle all over again, and he was beginning to lose. Oh no; it was not easy at all, not by a long shot. When she asked him if he minded if she turned on the television in order to keep herself occupied, he felt a mild twinge of resentment spark inside him - but replied that he did not care, despite that. Her request offered the impression that she did not wish to continue to converse with him – most likely due to the questions he had asked her. Considering the many times that he had personally overheard Kagome and her friends openly discussing the subject of sex, her reaction kind of surprised him.

Why would she suddenly develop a problem talking about it with him; what was the difference between him and his younger, pain-in-his-Daiyoukai-ass brother? Her scent had lessened significantly, which told him that she had taken to masking said scent but he could not honestly say just why that would be. Intrigued, his desire to discover her reasons for doing something like that, the young male silently watched his brother's friend without her even knowing that he was doing it. There was something off about Kagome, more so than usual; she appeared more awkward than normal.

With a sigh, Kagome ran her hands over the sofa cushions looking for the remote control so that she could turn on the television, since Sesshoumaru obviously wasn't going to do it for her. Normally she would have sought out the coffee table in her blind search, but she had remembered that Inuyasha was the last one to watch something and that meant that the damned thing could be anywhere in the room – maybe even underneath the sofa itself. He really wasn't very responsible with things and tended to leave them just lying around anywhere he felt like. It was anyone's guess as to where that little electronic device was hiding.

Carefully she slipped her hand down inside the cushion, and then down the sofa toward Sesshoumaru, pushing aside a throw pillow and wondering just why he had covered up with his step mother's afghan that she kept over the back of the sofa. It wasn't all that cold in the house... 

“What, pray tell, are you doing, girl?” Sesshoumaru asked her, every word he uttered was deep and somewhat dark. All the while his keen eyes tracked that tiny little hand of hers that was obviously ignorant as to the dangers that awaited it. Should said hand dare to venture very much further, he refused to be held responsible for what was likely to occur.

“Looking for the remote,” she responded absently, mere seconds before a premature triumphant smile spread across her face.

That is not the remote,” Damn how he had tried to make his voice sound somewhat normal just then, but it was virtually impossible; what with her tiny hand pressed against his awakened member like it was. Either the girl was just really stupid or really oblivious; which one though was a matter of opinion really.

A frown appeared on her face for a brief second as she tried to understand just what he was saying to her. When the 'remote' lurched beneath her hand, Kagome experience a not so mild moment of  mortified panic. Instantly she made to pull away, but Sesshoumaru stopped her. His massive hand covered hers and pressed hard, hissing ever so quietly in response. Slowly, he coaxed her hand to move upwards and then down again while his free hand reached out to seize her by the back of her neck. In no time, those luscious lips of hers were in close vicinity to his, taunting and teasing the young demon ever so cruelly with their implied promise of pleasures untold.

He saw her swallow hard and a shudder ran through his entire six foot frame. It was so very difficult for him to repress the  urges that surged up inside him, but Sesshoumaru did manage that seemingly impossible feat – opting to gingerly touch his lips to hers in order to ease the girl into the matter. If she had not touched him...there, he would have been fine; he could have endured and successfully resisted the tiny temptation known as Kagome. But - she did touch him and now there was absolutely no way that he could stop himself even if he wanted to...which he didn't.

Playful but serious nips at the corners of her mouth coaxed her to respond to his ministrations – calling out to her in gentle demand that she comply with his wishes. All the while his powerful hand continued to hold her much smaller one to his hardened member in wait for the time to arrive when she would do it without his assistance. Sesshoumaru was confident that said moment would arrive too, once Kagome got over the initial shock his actions had placed her in that was. 

Just as he expected her to, the girl gradually began to warm up to him; that dainty little hand of hers gave his aroused member a slight squeeze that had said member twitching in anticipation of what was yet to come. She accepted his probing tongue into her velvet oral cavern and a quiet whimper fell upon his Inu ears, telling him that there would be no further protests to what he wanted to do to her.

While Kagome continued to massage him through his pants, Sesshoumaru removed his hand from hers, positive that her movements would not stop, so that he could explore her body at his leisure. First, he cupped one of the twin mounds that had taunted him so cruelly over the last year. Then, he palmed that round globe – squeezing it through the thin material of her robe. How surprising it was to find her peaks pebbled with just this small amount of pleasure that he had exposed her to. Releasing her neck with confidence, Sesshoumaru allowed it to drift downward until it encountered the swell of her delicious round rear. The very second that he eased her robe upward, Sesshoumaru had to bite back the growl of desire that rose up inside his throat...

Many times he had tried to imagine what the girl wore underneath her clothes – whether she wore lace panties or a silk thong, and now he did not have to wonder any longer. He absolutely adored silk...

“I am obligated to ask you if you intend to follow through with the promises your body seems to be making to this Sesshoumaru...” he panted somewhat breathlessly in her ear.

She knew that the demon would be able to see the small nod she gave in response to his words. Her heart was pounding so hard inside her chest that Kagome feared she would suffer permanent damage; it was so exciting, the thought of having this magnificent male embedded within her willing body, pleasuring her like no other had done before. Many lust filled nights she had pictured Sesshoumaru doing just that, and now that the opportunity had arrived...she would be absolutely insane to refuse. Feeling rather bold, Kagome slid her hand inside his pants – gripping him tight, but Sesshoumaru shook his head at her and removed her hand, much to her shock.

“No...not, hnn... not here,” he said tightly, “Someone might walk in.”

“My room…or yours?” Kagome inquired boldly, unsure as to whether or not she could stop herself from running for the stairs as soon as she had a destination in which to head.

Neither...come with me. Unlike the hanyou, I do not require an auditory audience in order to perform.” In no time, Sesshoumaru was on his feet and pulling her to hers. After a quick, necessary adjustment of his protesting phallus to a somewhat more comfortable position, the Daiyoukai carefully led his disoriented companion through the dark. It pleased him that she followed his lead without hesitation or question, for such told him that she trusted him.

Through the kitchen and out the back door, Sesshoumaru led his companion to the one place that would ensure he was completely alone with the miko. There would be absolutely no chance of anyone attempting to burst in in order to prevent his ravaging Kagome to his satisfaction; that pleased him greatly, for he honestly was not in the mood to maim or kill anyone tonight. He would though...with a quickness.

The night air was cool upon her heated flesh – making her shiver from the contrast between temperatures. She knew where he was taking her, for she had been there many times hanging out with Yasha and their friends whenever they found themselves exiled from the Takeshi home for being too unruly and loud. She liked the pool house; it was like a small apartment really, complete with a small functional kitchenette and a more than adequate home entertainment system to keep anyone entertained for hours on end. However, there was one feature in particular that held her interest at this point in time...and it wasn't that huge fifty-two inch screen either. Oh no, said feature included a very comfy queen sized bed adorned with the most exquisite cotton sheets and the fluffiest of pillows...

Many pleasant naps had occurred in that bed, but tonight there would definitely be no naps for her...As soon as the door was closed and the lock secured, Kagome found herself in his arms, pressed tightly against that hard muscled chest and unable to escape should she make an attempt to do so. How she wished to see his face as this happened; it was very unfair that Sesshoumaru would be able to see every reaction she gave to his ministrations, but she could not see his. She would give anything to see the lust clouding his entrancing amber eyes....

As if in direct answer to her silent plight, Sesshoumaru bent his head down  so that he could whisper oh so softly into her ear, “I must confess that, although I can see perfectly well without them, this Sesshoumaru prefers the lights to be you have any objection to that?'

She knew that she would not be able to talk right if she answered him, but Kagome squealed out a response anyway, “N-no, of course not.”

Instead of releasing her so he could cross the room, Sesshoumaru pulled Kagome with him on his quest to locate the light switch – unwilling to break contact with her for even a second. Much to her surprise though, the Inu did not turn on the lights at the switch, rather lit a small scented candle instead. Upon noticing the confusion on her face, he offered her an explanation for his actions, simply stating that a light would be far too visible at the main house and cause someone to come investigate should they see a light on. Next, he picked up the remote and soft music sounded through the expensive sound system; she did not have to ask his reasons for doing that, for it was more than obvious why he had done it.

A large hand rested upon the small of her back, fingers splayed outward, and the guy slowly began to sway, almost as if he were trying to soothe her for some reason. “How many lovers have you had, Kagome?” he asked her, his gentle swaying never stopping.

It was assured that out of all the things for him to say to her at a time such as this, that was not what she would have expected to come from his sensuous mouth. Was there something about her that prompted him into asking her that? Did he think her actions were too bold or brazen and thought her to be indiscriminate as to who she allowed into her pants? Or, was she so inept that he believed her to be one step away from being an inexperienced virgin?

Keeping her words as non-defensive as she could, Kagome asked the guy just what his reason was for making such an inquiry. Her mind remained at high alert just in case the demon said something that would demand her to put the brakes on this whole damned thing. She might want him so bad that it caused her physical discomfort, but she did have her pride. “Why? Does it matter?”

“No, not in the context that you are thinking, it doesn't.” the Inu muttered somewhat distractedly, captivated by her sensuous beauty. It was killing him to wait like he was; his entire damned body screamed in torment, demanding instant gratification.

The girl grabbed his wrists – halting his extremely busy Daiyoukai hands; they were so very distracting to her at that moment, and she needed to remain as lucid and as coherent as she possibly could. With a quick sweep of her tongue across her lips, the girl asked him yet another question in regard to his sudden need to know her past sexual activities. “Then...then why are you asking me that?”

The tone of her voice had his eyes snapping up to meet hers instantly, “Did it offend you?” The second that raven haired head of hers nodded, the Inu realized that he had made a potentially grave error that was in need of fixing post haste.

“A little, yeah...”

Thankfully, he excelled at thinking fast on his feet and managed to compose a most adequate explanation in record time, “This Sesshoumaru merely wishes to know the level of your experience in such matters, for I do not want to take liberties that you will find unpleasant.”

When the hold on his wrists loosened and then released said wrists altogether, Sesshoumaru felt confident that Kagome understood the reasoning behind his inquiry.  Hell, she could have a list as long as his arm and it would not bother him, for that would not squelch his desire for her. It had been out of a genuine concern for her comfort and her well-being that he had asked her about her past experience, and nothing else. “Also, there is the matter of my...size, as well. Know that I would never willingly cause you discomfort or pain; which is why I asked you how many lovers you have had. I need to know what I have to do make this as pleasant for you as possible. Your scent tells me nothing in regard to your experience, therefore you must provide me with the information I need.”

“Oh...w-well, huh-hmm...”

His kiss stopped the words from coming from her mouth, for he already knew that the girl had not known many men from just her reaction to his question. It told Sesshoumaru that he would have to hold himself back, out of respect for her inexperience; which did not exactly please him, for he had been looking forward to unleashing his pent up desire for the tiny little miko. Perhaps if she found this encounter pleasant, she would be inclined to repeat it in the future and then...

His thoughts died swiftly as Kagome slipped her hands up underneath his shirt, those human nails raking his flesh so wonderfully. “Please, Sesshoumaru...take”

She did not need to ask him twice; in the blink of an eye, his shirt was off his body and lying somewhere on the floor behind him. His knees faltered as her hot, wet lips pressed themselves to his chest; her tongue danced upon his skin, taking in his masculine flavor with vigor and apparent need. Owing to the need for fairness in this, the Inu immediately set forth on a mission to even up the score – removing her robe and tossing it to the side. Even though that light shade of blue was indeed a color that he favored, especially on her, that camisole was not what he wanted to look at at this particular moment in time.  Still, he would not rush her and, so, Sesshoumaru had to be content to ravage her breasts through the slinky material until Kagome gave him the green light to move forward in this. He had to be extremely careful, taking that hardened peak between his razor sharp teeth, for he knew she was unlikely to appreciate him ruining her sleepwear in his eagerness to sate the raging need inside him.

Thankfully, that green light came relatively quickly, for in no time, her hands had invaded his cotton lounge pants in a brazen groping session of his backside. How stimulating it was to have Kagome remove those obstructive things for him – pushing them down over his hips so that they could slip to his feet; such an act caused his blood to heat about twenty degrees or so,  and forced a growl from his throat out of appreciation. Once he had removed her camisole – lifting it above her head and off her person, Kagome draped her arms around his shoulders her deep blue eyes staring deeply into his honeyed amber ones. Gods this girl was just so damned sexy...

Pulling her lithe body close, his prominent arousal trapped between them, the couple continued to sway to the sultry rhythm around them. Many times he had imagined this very thing, and Sesshoumaru refused to be rushed, now that he had the girl right where he wanted her. For the moment, he was utterly content to hold her in his arms and stare into those deep oceans of blue. He could not deny that feeling her fingers gingerly stroking the back of his neck like that made him just want to throw her down to the floor and have at her, but Sesshoumaru refrained from doing that. She was making things so very difficult on him; that was for sure.

“A-are you hesitating because you aren't sure, Sesshoumaru?”

“No, miko; I am very certain that this is what I want.”

Finally, Sesshoumaru began to ease the girl across the room, toward the one and only reason they had relocated to the pool house to begin with. Again she allowed him to lead her, trusting him implicitly; it was almost as much of a turn on as her voluptuous little body was, to him it was anyway. He watched her with interest as she drew away from him to climb up onto the bed and slide into a comfortable position; her graceful movements mesmerized him, unable to look away for any reason. Once she stilled herself, the Daiyoukai took in a deep breath, steeling his resolve to treat the girl kindly and not ravage her inexperienced person like a wild and unruly beast...this time .

Oh but how he wanted to though....

Despite the ravenous look in his eyes, Kagome could not help but view his hesitation as a possibly negative thing; there she was, sprawled out on his bed, ninety-nine point nine percent naked and the guy just stands there? In her mind, there had to be something wrong or else the Inu would be right there on that bed with her; which led her to believe one of two things, the first being that something about her displeased the guy enough to make him reconsider being with her like this.

The second theory was kind of similar to the first, but with one variation, for it was something that she could do absolutely nothing to change – and that was her being a human. She had heard, from a number of sources, that Sesshoumaru had a problem with humans and demons socializing in this manner, and that it was but one of the reasons he disliked his younger sibling like he did. Had the heat of the moment managed to get the better of the Daiyoukai and, now that he had a bit of time to think about it, he had suddenly changed his mind?

Self consciousness set in rather quickly, closely followed by extreme embarrassment; all of which caused the girl to immediately seek to distance herself from the source of her humiliation as quick as she could. Rolling her body to the left side of the bed, the miko made to vacate the pool house, and possibly even the Takeshi home too – even though it was quite late to be wandering around town. It would be a very long time before she returned too, because there was absolutely no damned way she was going to even try to face Sesshoumaru after something like this. Uh-uh, no way in hell.

Before she could even touch her feet to the floor, Kagome found herself on her back and staring up into a pair of intense golden eyes. “Where do you think you are going, girl?” he asked her, the words sounding more of a growl than anything.

“I-I'm leaving, Sesshoumaru...let me go.”

Her words may have gone heeded, if it were not for the tremors in her voice when she said them; they told the Inu that Kagome really did not wish to leave and, so, he refused to allow it. “No; I do not wish for you to go.”

Defiantly, Kagome gazed up into his eyes, ignoring the noticeable tinge to their outer rims, “Yes you do or else you wouldn't have hesitated like you did. If you find me repulsive then you should have just said so instead of ...” Obviously the arrogant Daiyoukai held her extreme disliking for being interrupted in little regard, otherwise he would have waited for her to finish her words. God; how was it possible to feel such a conflicting mixture of anger and desire for one being at the same time?

If ever there was a situation that called for the Inu to roll his eyes, this was such a time; which he did without even a hint of embarrassment for having done it.“Where on earth would you get a ridiculous idea like that?”

The way that the girl lowered her eyes, veiled them behind those thick luxurious lashes of hers, implied submission; which pleased the Inu more than he could ever say aloud. However, the shocking degree of sadness lacing her words ruined the moment for him; he did not mean to make her feel as if she had done anything all that wrong, for he did understand why she had reached the conclusions that she had. The girl was human and as such would have little to no knowledge in regard to such a highly personal subject.

“You had to convince yourself to go through with this and I'd rather leave than have you doing something that you find unpleasant. It's insulting.”

“And, I suppose, the thought never occurred to you that, perhaps, this Sesshoumaru needed a moment or two to calm my self so that this would be enjoyable for you?” He needed no response from the girl, for the obvious confusion that shone in her eyes told him that she had no idea as to what he was referring to. It was indeed safe for the Inu to assume that the miko had not known a full blooded demon lover before or else she would not look at him like she was.

Okay, he just lost her; his still so lust hazed brain could not comprehend what he had said to her. Running the risk of coming off sounding much the idiot, Kagome decided to ask the guy for clarification, “What do you mean by that?”

“What I mean is that I have longed for this glorious moment for some time. It was very possible that I would lose control, and you might not have looked kindly upon the matter if that occurred.” Sesshoumaru made sure to look the girl dead in her eyes when he told her that; such would impress the seriousness of the matter into her mind and into her heart as well. Nothing he had said to her was a lie and the miko needed to know that; he was not simply looking to get laid here - it went a bit beyond that.

“Really? Do you honestly think that you would have lost control?” Kagome swallowed hard upon seeing the demon nod his head in confirmation. “I-I had no never let on that you desired me in any way.”

“You are correct, little one; this Sesshoumaru concealed his attraction to you with good reason. Make no mistake, you pint sized vixen, now that I have you right where I want will be dawn before I finish with you...if even then. You should plan on at least an entire day or more in which to recuperate...”

“Th-that's …. ambitious...” she panted, squirming a bit in response to a small drop of his arousal fell upon her left inner thigh.

The grin that spread across the Inu's face then would have given the devil himself cold chills; which should have served as adequate warning to the tiny female trapped beneath him. “No, it is fact; I will cripple this pussy, little one.”


Inuyasha glanced up from his bowl of cereal, a smug grin firmly in place as his elder brother stepped in the back door. “You slept in the pool house, huh? Sorry if Kikyo and I were too loud for you last night...we tend to get carried away.”

Sesshoumaru ignored the idiot, fully aware that Inuyasha was only trying to gloat about his so called triumph between the sheets with that overused,  willing to do anything with anyone if the price was right female. Making his way over to the refrigerator, the demon wondered just what he should throw together as a morning meal for his companion and him self. His own appetite was quite strong, and he had witnessed the deceptively dainty miko's ability to put away an appalling amount of food in the past...

Apparently the insignificant little brat did not find being ignored to his liking and the yapping began almost instantly. “You know, it's only polite to respond when someone is talking to you. There's no point in being so pissed at me about it; it's not like we were that loud or anything.” Damn it all; it was far too early in the day to have to listen to that fucking noise. If the idiot did not find the mute button for his larynx, it would be silenced for the fool...permanently. On with the quest for sustenance for the miko and himself before he initiated yet another round with the girl, Sesshoumaru searched for the sweet cream butter that he knew Kagome enjoyed on her morning toast. 

Still the hanyou found the need to draw things out, possibly due to the fool's infinitesimally proportioned ego. Inuyasha was such a damned attention hound...“Hell, the only reason that it bothered you is because of your enhanced hearing.” After pausing to shovel an obscenely large spoonful of  his own breakfast into his mouth, Inuyasha finished what he had been saying – chewing his food grotesquely as he spoke too. “If you didn't want to listen to it, then you should have done what Pops and the wench did and erected a barrier to shut out the damned noise.”

Golden eyes spied the container of strawberries at the back of the third shelf and immediately they joined the impromptu menu that would be their breakfast. While he continued his search, looking for some sort of meat with which to make their meal as well-balanced as was possible, Sesshoumaru recalled a bit of semi-important information that he had been asked to pass along to his sibling at some point. It seemed now was as good a time as any, “Father left last night on an emergency business trip before your sad little performance got under way. He will be back on Thursday, if you would like to know.”

“Yeah, well...the wench was fine with it; I didn't hear her screaming for us to quiet down...”

“That is because she knew that it would do her no good to offer complaint. Even the miko was aware that you were in desperate need of boosting your pitiful ego, considering that your female has been seen in the company of other males on more than one occasion.”

“Whatever, you prick; you're just pissed that I get it whenever I want it while you have to do without.” Inuyasha quipped nastily, believing that he had one over on his elder sibling. No one had seen the asshole with anything close to  being female for over a year; something that had the boy wondering if his brother had defected to the other side. “What's wrong; did your hand cancel your appointment last night? Is that what's got you in such a bad mood so early in the morning?”

Sesshoumaru turned to his younger sibling, golden eyes sparking quite deviously; how wonderful it would be to wipe that condescending smirk off that face, he mused inside his head. Slowly the demon wandered over to the table until he stood right next to the ignorant little 'accident', as his father  had once referred to the boy, then made certain that he held Inuyasha's full attention before he spoke to him.  “Quite the contrary, Inuyasha; this Sesshoumaru is in a remarkably good mood this morning...can you venture a guess as to why? Did you not wonder as to why she would still be in bed at this time of morning, when the girl is known to enjoy an early morning run before starting her day?” Even though those eyes were on the over sized bowl of sugar drowned cereal, Sesshoumaru knew that the fucker  was listening to his every word, “It is because she opted for a different type of workout instead...and, believe me when I say that, this Sesshoumaru worked the miko good too. All. Night. Long.”

The boy dropped his spoon with a clank.
