One Night Is Not Enough by Zalika

Chapter 1


It was just suppose of be a simple night at home with some of his brother’s friends. He would meet them, say hello, and then go back to his business. He, however, had not been expecting her and all that would come with her.




His hand lashed out in a last fit of rage. This was growing increasingly ridiculous the more time past. How was he suppose to work when he couldn’t get a single moment of silence? The constant banging of his brother’s drum set continuously vibrated against the joining wall and in turn echoed throughout his study. He was going to kill the pup one of these days, and he had a feeling it was going to be sooner than later.

“Cure that old man for giving him that damn drum set.” Cure himself for inviting his brother to live with him. Never once had he envisioned such a disastrous turnout.

“Inuyasha,” he yelled, trying hard not to growl out his frustration. When the noise came to an abrupt stop, he was immediately grateful for the silence.

Seconds passed before his brother slowly came into the study. “Noise, right?” he muttered almost sheepishly.

“Its not that I do not enjoy the music,” the older brother went to explain, “it is merely that I am just having a difficult time concentrating around it.”

“But you liked it?” the hanyou softly beamed.

Truthfully, no, but at least the boy was trying to make an attempt at sticking to something through school. Be it music or not, if it pleased his brother, he would lie. “Yes. All I ask is that you keep it down while I work.”

“What are you working on anyways?”

Glancing down at the text book laying before his computer…chemistry and him never really got along. “I am getting ready for an exam I have tomorrow.”

“Oh,” he shied back, knowing well now what it was. All the older dog has done for the last week was groan about his chemistry exam. “I’ll leave you to that.” Right as he was ready to close the door, he quickly spun to face his brother, “would it be alright if I had a couple of friends over later?”

He wanted to say no. Quite honestly, he never really liked others beyond family within his apartment, but he did want the pup to feel at home here. The boy has lived with him for almost a month now, and never once had he mentioned any of his friends. It would do well to meet them. “Yes, you may.”

“Cool, thanks,” he yelled, closing the study door behind him.

Turning back to his notes, a mental groan filtered through his mind as he stared down at the sheets spread out before him. “Damn.”


